The defining moment in the history of international terrorism and the persecution, torture and killing of the Iranian people, came about on that fateful day in 1979 when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini stepped triumphantly from an airplane at Tehran Airport, calling for the execution of anyone who had not “repented” and who was not willing to collaborate entirely with the Iranian regime.
In his fatwa (religious decree) he declared: “As the treacherous hypocrites referring to the members of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran do not believe in Islam, and their statements are rooted in deception and hypocrisy, and as their leaders have confessed that they have become renegades, and as they are waging war on God,… it is decreed that those who are in prison throughout the country and remain steadfast in their support for the Hypocrites, are waging war on God, and are condemned to execution.” Within hours, in a series of vicious, murderous acts, which would become the hallmark of his unique terror machine, he ordered the elimination of all those that opposed him.
In a wave of slaughter, using a process of what can only be described as production-line killings, thousands of Iranians have lost their lives. The constant prosecutions and killing of the people of Iran, under any excuse (either by the so-called divine ruling of God, or the teachings of Islam, or the Law of Sharia), is nothing but politically sanctioned genocide of the Iranian people.
This murderous and barbaric action against the people of Iran is certainly the biggest unpunished crime against humanity during the 20 th and 21 st Century, exceeding the murder of the almost 6 million Jews by the Germans during World War II. Since its inception, the Mullah regime in Iran could only brought torture and execution, war and terrorism, poverty, unemployment, corruption and plundering for the people of Iran.
The adoption of the 65th UN resolution, condemning Human Rights abuses in Iran, once again confirms that the regime blatantly tramples upon the Iranian people’s most fundamental rights in all political, social and economic spheres. On behalf of all peace loving Nations of the World we demand the following immediate measures:
1. Immediate practical and serious global action, especially by European Union member states, the United States of America and the United Nations, to stop all arbitrary persecutions, torturing and executions in Iran
2. The Iranian regime must be compelled to cancel all death sentences. Reports indicate that there are hundreds of men and women in Iran are currently on death row. (This waiting period is significantly harsher and more torturous than actually being executed.)
3. All forms of torturing and execution must be acknowledged as a crime against humanity, and such practices must be brought to an end in Iran immediately.
4. All perpetrators of these crimes must be brought before the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The ruling theocracy must be isolated by the world community, its dossiers referred to the UN Security Council, and its leaders must face justice for crimes against humanity.
5. The immediate removal of the barbaric clerical regime of Iran, if need be by force, and the return to peace and democracy in that country.
6. Until such time as the perpetrators of these heinous crimes can be brought before the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, the names of all identifiable perpetrators be added to the International Terrorism List in terms of International Security Law according to Article 2 (4) of the Charter of the United Nations and the institutions of the Security Council of the United Nations.
I urge all peace loving nations, governments, the European Union, the United Nations and all Humanitarian support organisations, to support us in our quest for peace, good government, public order and democracy.
May God bless us all.
Stes de Necker (FAAVM International Human Rights Adviser)