
Tuesday, 12 June 2012

My gunsteling Grappe ~ My favourite Jokes Part 1

My gunsteling grappe
My favourite Jokes

                                               PARENTAL GUIDANCE COMPULSORY !

Part 1

(1 to 145)

(1)  Wyle Mike Schutte se buurvrou skakel een aand die predikant en sê hy moet gou kom. Mike is in 'n toestand en niemand kry hom getroos nie. Hy ween dat jy hom kilometers vêr kan hoor.
Die dominee ry dadelik na Mike se huis toe en kry hom daar, totaal by die rou verby.
“Ou Mike, wat is dan nou die probleem?” vra die dominee.
“Dominees” sê Mike, “my pa is vanoggend ooglede.”
Die predikant praat toe mooi met ou Mike en na so 'n tydjie is ou Mike darem redelik getroos.
Toe die dominee sien dat Mike min of meer herstel het, gaan hy maar terug huis toe.
Nie tien minute later bel die buurvrou weer en sê dominee moet asseblief weer kom. Mike is weer eens so erg in sy beroude toestand.
Dominee ry toe maar weer na Mike toe en toe hy daar kom vra hy ou Mike, “Maar Mike, toe ek netnou hier weg is was jy so mooi gekalmeer. Hoekom nou weer so bedroef?”
“Nee, Hege dominee, wat dagem te egr is, is te egr. Dominee was skaags weg toe bel my bgroer my. Sy pa is ook vanoggend ooglede!”

(2)  My ou vriend daar van Kakamas se wêreld laat weet my dit is daar so droog, die beeste eet noual die ondergrondse regte.

(3) 'n Blondine gaan lê 'n klag van inbraak by die polisie en twee jong konstabeltjies moet haar beëdigde verklaring afneem van wat presies gebeur het.
'n Goeie tien bladsye verklaring verder toe sê sy vir hulle dit is min of meer alles wat sy oor die saak kan verklaar.
Die een konstabeltjie sê, nee dit is reg, sy moet net vir hulle haar handtekening op die verklaring plaas.
Die girl sit haar hand so plat op die stuk papier neer en begin die vorm van haar hand op die papier aftrek.
Die een konstabel kyk so na die ander en sê vir hom, “As ek dit geweet het, het ek vir haar gesê om elke bladsy te parafeer!”

(4)  Koos loop sy vriend Gert raak in die kroeg en die twee sit so en gesels toe Koos se, “Jong, ek is so bekommerd oor my dogter. Gisteroggend het ek in haar kamer ingegaan en weet jy wat kry ek op haar spieëlkas?  'n Leë pakkie van die “pil”. Sy is  mos nog te jonk om nou al daardie soort pille te drink!”
“Ja, wragtig ou maat”, sê ou Gert, “ek het dieselfde probleem as jy. Vanoggend toe ek in  my dogter se kamer instap, toe kry ek weer 'n hele pak kondome op die tafeltjie langs haar bed. Ek het nooit geweet sy het 'n penis nie!”

(5) 'n Twaalfjarige seuntjie word deur 'n derde jaar universiteit student daarvan aangekla dat hy haar verkrag het.
Die mannetjie se pa neem hom na 'n advokaat toe om die saak namens hom te verdedig, maar die saak lyk vir die advokaat so belaglik dat sy nie nog onnodig kostes wil aangaan om breedvoerig met die mannetjie te konsulteer nie. Sy is oortuig dat hulle die saak sommer maklik gaan wen.
Die dag toe die saak voorkom en die aanklaer die een getuie na die ander roep, toe kom hierdie advokaat agter dat die bewyse teen hierdie kêreltjie besig is om lelik op te stapel.
Sy besef sy sal nou met iets drasties vorendag moet kom om die saak te red en sy gryp die mannetjie en sit hom bo-op die getuiebank, pluk sy broekie af en gryp sy tottermannetjie so met die een hand en wys dit vir die landdros.
“Edelagbare, dink die agbare hof dat hierdie klein dingetjie regtig 'n derde jaar universiteit student kan verkrag?” sê sy terwyl sy die dingetjie op en afskud. “Lyk dit vir die agbare hof na iets wat so 'n daad kan vermag?” hou sy aan terwyl sy die mannetjie se katottertjie aanhoudend op en afskud.
Na 'n rukkie toe kyk die kêreltjie so af na die advokaat en sê vir haar, “Tannie advokaat, moet hom net nie so aanhou skud nie. Ons gaan hierdie saak verloor!”

(6)  'n Blondine bel die brandweer histeries en sê hulle moet dadelik kom, haar woonstel is aan die brand. “Alles reg dame” antwoord die brandweerman, “bedaar, ons kom dadelik. Sê net vir my hoe kom ons by jou uit?”
Blondine, “Met daardie fokken rooi lorrie van jou natuurlik!”

(7)  Koos kom hoogs ontsteld die middag die woonstel binne en sy vrou vra hom wat nou verkeerd is.
“Daardie arrogante posbode! Ek kry hom netnou hier onder by die ingang en sal hy nie wragtig vir my wil kom en vertel hy het al elke girl in die blok, behalwe een, deurgedraf het nie!”
Vrou: “Seker daardie stuckup bitch in nommer 3 van wie hy praat.”

(8) Die verpleegstertjie moet die ou man skeer voor sy breuk operasie, toe sy sien daar staan so bo-op die ou koggelmander geskryf, ‘oom oom’.
“En nou dit oom?” wil sy weet.
“Luister ou kinta” sê die ou, “laat ek jou nou iets vertel. In my jong dae op varsity het daar geskryf gestaan, Die Boom van Potchefstroom!”

(9)  Since childhood, Paddy had heard the stories of an amazing family tradition where his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had all been able to walk on water on their 18th birthday! On that special day, they'd each crossed the lake to the pub on the far side by walking on the water for their first legal drink.
So when Paddy's 18th birthday came around, he and his pal Mick, took a boat out to the middle of the lake. Paddy stepped out of the boat...splash !!! ...and  nearly drowned! Mick just barely managed to pull him to safety.
Furious and confused, Paddy, went to see his grandmother.
'Grandma,' he asked, "Tis me 18th birthday, so why can't I walk 'cross the lake like me father, his father, and his father before him?"
Granny looked deeply into Paddy's, troubled brown eyes and said: "Because ye father, ye grandfather and ye great-grandfather were all born in December, when the lake is frozen, and ye were born in August, ya fookin idiot!"

(10) Een van ons gesofistikeerde Waterkloof Rif dames besoek n besigheid wat Persiese matte verkoop. Toe sy afbuk om na die mat se prys te kyk toe glip daar een van daardie embaraserende windjies uit. Na n tydjie sien sy n pragtige egte hand geknoopte sy Qum mat teen die muur hang en vra die handelaar wat dit kos. "Mevrou" se die handelaar, "as jy gepoep het toe jy daardie ander mat se prys gesien het, gaan jy jou heeltemal beskuit as ek jou se wat hierdie een kos!"

(11) Vroeg somersoggend in die Kaap en dit reen so saggies. Koos slaap by n ander man se vrou, toe die onverwags tuiskom. Nie tyd vir aantrek nie en Koos spring sommer deur die venster en land tussen n groep drawwers (joggers). Die een kyk hom so en vra, "Hardloop jy altyd kaal?" Ja antwoord Koos, "Dit is mos lekker vars en vris so in die oggend." "Maar hardloop jy altyd met n kondoom?" vra die jogger. Koos, "Nee, net as dit reen"!

(12) As mans dronk word dan praat hulle #@%, raak vreeslik emosioneel, bestuur sleg en hou daarvan om vir geen rede te baklei…
Ek haal my hoed af vir vrouens…
Hulle kry dit reg sonder om te drink!

(13) Ou Hendrik kom een aand hoogs besope by die huis en sy vrou ou Sêra wag hom by die voordeur in. “en toe...?” vra sy.
“Dis nie wat jy dink nie Sêra, ek het vanaand klas geloop!”
“Moenie #@% praat nie man, ek weet mos jy lieg!” klim sy hom in. “ Wat se klas nogal?”
“Genuine! Ek het wiskunde gaan leer. Kom ek nou vir jou verduidelik. Sê nou ek is 'n busbestuurder en by die eerste stop laai ek 5 mense op. By die tweede stop laai ek weer 3 mense op en 5 klim af. By die derde stop klim daar weer 5 mense af ....”
Sêra, “Uh hu, laat ek nou verder hoor?”
So deur die beneweldheid registreer ou Hendrik dat sy som nou nie uitwerk nie en hy hak af, “Sjee kans! Eks nogie klaar nie! Toe moes ek weer twee mense oplaai om fokôl op die bus te hê!”

(14) Ou Koos vertel vir sy maat hoe hy die vorige aand na 'n geloofsgeneser gaan luister het. “Ja, ja” sê sy pêl, “vertel laat ek hoor. Ek wil ook gaan. Wat het gebeur?”“Jislaaik jong, ek staan daar op die verhoog en die predikant sê vir my, “Gooi jou linker kruk weg!, en ek gooi my linker kruk weg.”
“Ja, ja man” sê sy pêl, “gaan aan, gaan aan, ek wil hoor!”
“Jislaaik jong, toe sê die predikant, “Gooi weg jou regter kruk!”
“Ja, ja en toe?” vra die pêl.
“Toe val ek op my gat man!”

(15) My ou vriend Willie speel gereeld Lotto en nou die dag vra ek hom wat hy met al die geld sal maak as hy die Lotto wen.
“Ek sal seker maar die drankwinkel en die hotel en die dokter betaal.”
“En die res?” vra ek.
“Nee,” sê hy, “hulle sal maar moet wag tot 'n volgende keer!”

(16) Die blondine is al desperaat om werk te kry en met die onderhoud vra die werkgewer haar wie se vergoeding sy sou verwag.
“Meneer” sê sy, “ek is bereid om vir R500 'n maand te werk so desperaat is ek.”
“Net R500 'n maand? Met plesier!” roep die werkgewer uit.
“Nee, meneer, met plesier ingesluit sal dit jou R1000 per maand kos.”

(17) Die landdros vra die blondine of sy binne of buite gemeenskap getroud is.
“Nee Edelagbare, weens gemeenskap!”

(18) Die onderwyser vra die dogtertjie om 'n sin te maak met, “bo my vuurmaakplek”.
Sy sê toe, “My rok is so kort, dit sit bo my vuurmaakplek!”

(19) In my jong dae op die plaas het ons geweldig las van jakkalse gehad. Elke week is 'n paar skape in die omgewing doodgebyt. Toe die probleem later te erg word, reël die boerevereniging 'n vergadering waar alle rolspelers teenwoordig sou wees om 'n oplossing vir die probleem te vind. Van die kerkraad, deur natuurbewaring tot by die SPCA was teenwoordig.
Die boere is met niks minder tevrede as die uitroeiing van die ongediertes nie. Van skiet tot gif tot slagysters is al wat volgens hulle sal help.
Die ou girl van die SPCA staan toe op en sê nee, sy stem nie saam nie. Dit is onmenslik en wreed. Die boere moet eerder op 'n manier die jakkalse vang en hulle kastreer. Op daardie manier sal die probleem homself met tyd oplos.
Oom Gert, ouderling en lekeprediker het so in die tweede ry van voor gesit en staan toe op om te praat.
“Vrinne” sê hy, “miskien moet ons net weer aan die dame van die SPCA mooi verduidelik, die jakkalse být die skape!” 

(20) Dominee doen huisbesoek en kom die aand by tant Lalie.
Toe hy so instap in die huis, toe is daar 'n papegaai in 'n hok in die voorportaal en die papegaai val weg met, “Ek is 'n slet! Ek is 'n slet!”
Tant Lalie maak groot verskoning en verduidelik aan die dominees dat dit eintlik haar kinders se papegaai is wat sy geërf het toe die kinders Australië toe getrek het. Sy is raadop en weet nie meer wat om met die ding te maak nie.
Dominee sê hy dink hy het vir haar 'n oplossing. Hy het twee mannetjie papegaaie by die huis en die twee is nou al mooi gekersten. Die een kan die Onse Vader al uit sy kop opsê en die ander is mooi op pad om Psalm 23 te resiteer. Hy dink hy moet tant Lalie se papegaai saamneem en in die hok by sy twee insit. Heel moontlik sal hulle 'n goeie invloed op haar papegaai hê.
Sommer daar en dan stem tant Lalie in en dominee is daar weg met die papegaai.
By die huis gekom is sy twee papegaaie juis besig om hulle gebedjies op te sê, toe dominee die wyfie papegaai saam met hulle in die hok sit.
Sy het skaars op die stokkie in die hok gaan sit toe sy weer laat waai met, “Ek is 'n slet! Ek is 'n slet!”
Die een mannetjie papegaai draai so na die ander een toe en sê vir hom, “Ou Pol, jy kan maar ophou bid. Ons gebede is verhoor!”

(21) Twee girls ry in 'n oorvol hysbak toe die een die ander vra, “Hierdie kêrel agter my, is hy aantreklik?”
“Wel, hy lyk nog taamlik jonk” sê die ander een.
“Luister man” sê die eerste een, ”ek wil weet of hy aantreklik is. Ek kan voel hy is jonk!”

(22) Resessie is wanneer jou buurman sy werk verloor. Depressie is wanneer jy jou werk verloor. Ekonomiese herstel is wanneer die minister van finansies sy werk verloor.

(23) So 'n jong boertjie van Wes-Transvaal is skoon uit sy vel van vreugde toe die verpleegstertjie vir hom kom sê hy is pa van 'n klein 1 kg. babatjie.
“Nou hoekom is jy so opgewonde oor so 'n klein ou dingetjie?” wil die verpleegster weet.
“Ou sussie,” sê die kêrel, “hier in die Wes-Transvaal is ons maar te dankbaar as ons elke jaar net ons saad terugkry!”

(24) 'n Olifant loop in die wildtuin en mis bo-op 'n mossie. Met 'n groot gesukkel spartel die mossie hom los uit die bol mis en met 'n helse geraas sit hy op die hoop mis en maak homself skoon. Net toe hy mooi skoon is kom daar 'n wilde kat en vang die mossie.
In 'n nabye boom het twee ander mossies hierdie eskapade sit en beskou en toe die kat die eerste mossie so wegdra, toe sê die een in die boom vir sy pêl, “ Die poepol het ook nooit geleer jy hou jou bek as jy in die kak is nie!”

(25) Die twee ou vriende loop in 'n parkie toe daar so 'n seksie jong bokkie met 'n nou passende oefen broekie aan, by hulle verby draf.  
'n Paar minute later sê die een ou vir sy maat, “Ou Piet, onthou jy daardie blouvitterjoel wat hulle vir ons in die army gegee het? Hoe lyk dit dan vir my die bleddie goed begin nou eers werk!” 

A little old lady went to the grocery store to buy cat food. She picked up four cans and took them to the check out counter.
The girl at the cash register said, I'm sorry, but we cannot sell you cat food without proof that you have a cat. A lot of old people buy cat food to eat, and the management wants proof that you are buying the cat food for your cat. Prove that you are buying the cat food for your cat.
The little old lady went home, picked up her cat and brought it back to the store. 

They sold her the cat food. 
The next day, she tried to buy two Cans of dog food. Again the cashier said, ''I'm sorry, but we cannot sell you dog food without proof that you have a dog. A lot of old people buy dog food to eat, but the management wants proof that you are buying the dog food for your dog.'' 
So she went home and brought in her dog. She then was able to buy the dog food.
The next day she brought in a box with a hole in the lid. The little old lady asked the cashier to stick her finger in the hole.
The cashier said, "No, you might have a snake in there."
The little old lady assured her that there was nothing in the box that would harm her. So the cashier put her finger into the box and quickly pulled it out. She said to the little old lady, ''That smells like shit.'' 

The little old lady said, ''It is. I want to buy three rolls of toilet paper.''

Don't mess with old people!

(27)  Wat my ma my geleer het...

1) Ma het my geleer hoe om te bid: "Jy moet bid dat daardie kol op die mat uit is as ek vanaand by die huis kom"
2) Sy het my geleer van "time travel": "Ek sal jou tot in volgende week in klap!"
3) Sy het my geleer pa's is slimmer en ryker as ma's: "Gaan vra jou pa!"
4) Sy het my geleer oor plantkunde: "Lyk dit vir jou of geld op my rug groei?"
5) Sy het my geleer om altyd nederig en klein te wees: "Mannetjie !!!"
6) Sy het my van die weer geleer: "Dit lyk of 'n dekselse orkaan jou kamer getref het!"
7) Sy het my geleer van fauna en flora: "Moenie vir my vertel perredrolle is vye nie!"
8) Sy het my geleer om myself te ontdek: "Hou op om jou soos jou pa te gedra!"
9) Sy het my die wetenskap van osmose geleer: "Hou jou mond en eet jou kos!"
10) Sy het my geleer van uithouvermoë: "Jy sal by daardie tafel sit totdat jy jou spinasie opgeëet het!"
11) Sy het my geleer van sintuie: "Kinners word gesien en nie gehoor nie!"
12) Sy het my geleer van humor: "Hou aan lag, dan gee ek jou iets om oor te huil ook!"
13) Sy het my van jaloesie geleer: "Daar is duisende arm kinnertjies wat ouers soos joune begeer!"
14) Sy het geleer dat daar 'n plek en 'n tyd vir alles is:
"As julle mekaar wil vermoor, gaan doen dit buite! Ek't nou net hier skoongemaak!"
15) Sy het my wiskunde geleer: "Sit jy alweer en tanne tel!"
16) Sy het my logika geleer: "Want ek sê so, dis hoekom!"
17) Sy het my geleer dat wonderwerke nog kan gebeur:
"Ek sal jou klap dat jy jou antie vir 'n eendvoël aansien as jy my weer terug antwoord!"

(28) Julius Malema stated yesterday :“I want the people of South Africa to treat me the same way they treated Nelson Mandela.” 
Evita Bezuidenhout immediately responded :“What a great idea. Let’s start with 27 years in jail…….”

(29) VOOR TROUE....

HY; uiteindelik, ekt soooo lank gewag!
SY; wil jy he ek moet waai?
HY; neeeeee,ek dinki eers da ani.
SY; is jy lief vir my ?
HY; natuurlik, somer baie
SY; het jy my al ooit verneuk?
HY; nee, hoe vra jy dan so iets?
SY; wil jy my soen?
HY; elke keer as ek kans kry.
SY; sal jy my moer?
HY; is jy mal, ek isi so mens nie.
SY; kan ek jou vertrou ?
HY; JA!!!
SY; skat?


(30) A lady phones a Police Station in South Africa and says: "My husband went to buy potatoes 5 days ago, he hasn't come back yet."
The Police Officer pauses and says: "Eish... so why don't you cook something else?"
(31) A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born ?'
The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!  Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room onYahoo.  Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe.  We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other.  There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive.  As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit thedelete button , nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: “You’ve got mail!”   
(32) A few days ago I was having some work done at my local garage. A blonde came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten. We all looked at each other and another customer asked, 'What is a seven-hundred-ten?'
She replied, 'You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine, I have lost it and need a new one.'
She said that she did not know exactly what it was, but this piece had always been there.
The mechanic gave her a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like.
She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710.
He then took her over to a car just like hers which had its hood up and asked,
'Is there a 710 on this car?'
She pointed and said, 'Of course, its right there.' 

(33) Pas na die afloop van die episode met die verslaggeefster, vra ʼn vriend van Eugene Terreblanche hom wat hulle nou eintlik daar by sy huis gedoen het.
ET verduidelik dat hy nog handgemeen met die meisie wou raak toe die by die huis uit hardloop en vir hom skree: Jy kan my tog nie vang nie!
Die mielies was daardie jaar glo baie mooi en staan ruig geelwit op die land toe die verslaggeefster die mielieland inhardloop om ver ET te gaan wegkruip.
Die vriend vra hom toe, “maar Eugene, hoe het jy die meisie toe in die mielieland gevind?”
ET, “Heel aangenaam ou vriend, heel aangenaam!”

(34) Drie ou mans sit in die ouetehuis se sitkamer en gesels toe tant Ralie daar verbyloop. 
Die een ou sê vir die ander, “Julle weet, ek kan daardie ou girl sommer 'n soen gee!”
Sy ou maat langs hom sê, “Man, ek sal haar nie net soen nie. Ek sal haar 'n soen en 'n druk gee!”
Die derde ou oom kyk hulle so skeef aan en sê, “Julle jongetjies weet nog niks. 'n Girl soos daardie, neem jy na jou kamer toe. Dan maak jy haar lê op die bed en jy trek haar onnodige kledingstukkies van haar af en dan strooi jy so 'n bietjie Johnsons baby powder so liggies oor haar lyfie tot sy nou mooi met die poeiertjies bedek is.”
Die oubaas aarsel so 'n oomblik terwyl hy diep peins en herhaal weer, ”jy strooi poeiertjies tot sy mooi bedek is .........., my bliksem ou Piet, wat het ons toe nou weer daarna gedoen?!”  

(35) Twee landmeters is in die veld besig om opmetings te doen, toe die een 'n nood ontwikkel. Hy besluit toe om sommer agter die naaste vaalbos broek los te maak maar besef nie hy is besig om op 'n slang wat daar gelê het, te gaan sit nie. Toe die slang hierdie vreemde indringer spesie voor hom sien, pik hy die nuweling reg op die kop.
Die landmeter spring op en skreeu vir sy maat om te kom help, 'n slang het hom gepik. Reg op sy ou koggelmander se kop.
Die ander sê, maar hy weet nie wat om te doen hy, hy sal maar 'n dokter bel. Hy skakel toe sy huisdokter en vertel hom wat gebeur het. Met die selfoon aan sy oor klink die res van sy gesprek met die dokter toe so:
“Nee, dokter ons weet nie wat se slang dit is nie.”
“uh hu”
“ek sien”
“Dit kan giftig wees ja”
“uh hu”
“dokter sê ek moet sy ding in my mond sit en suig!”
“uh hu”
“anders sal hy doodgaan?”
“ek sien”
“maar is daar geen ander manier nie?”
“dokter sê as ek nie suig nie kan hy doodgaan?”
“ek sien. Maar dankie in elk geval vir dokter se advies.”
Teen die tyd is die ander ou al hoogs benoud en vra vir die een wat met die dokter gepraat het, “En toe! Praat man. Wat sê die dokter?”
Die ander ou kyk hom so toe sê hy, “Die dokter sê hy dink jy gaan doodgaan!”

(36) 'n Ou tannie gaan sien haar bankbestuurder omtrent 'n belegging en so 'n ent weg deur die gesprek toe sê die bankbestuurder vir haar. 
“Mevrou, sê nou eers net vir my, jy bly op 'n plotjie buite die dorp en al wat daarop loop is 'n vark, twee koeie, 'n bok, 'n paar kalkoene en 'n paar hoenders. Hoe kry jy dit reg om soveel duisende rande in jou bankrekening te hê?”
“Dit is maar net goeie “risk management” meneer.”
“Risk management? Nou verstaan ek nie” sê die bankbestuurder, “wil mevrou nie miskien vir my verduidelik wat se “risk management” mevrou doen nie?”
Die ou tannie sê vir hom, “Meneer sien, ek wed die meneer nou R5000 rand meneer se testikels is vierkantig en nie rond nie!”
“Wat!” roep die bankbestuurder verontwaardig uit, “Maar natuurlik is my testikels rond!”
“As dit dan so is, hoekom wil meneer nie die weddenskap aangaan nie. Soos ek gesê het, ek wed die meneer R5000 meneer se testikels is vierkantig en nie rond nie. En dan môre, twaalfuur, ontmoet ek meneer weer hier in meneer se kantoor. Meneer bring vir jou 'n getuie saam en ek bring my getuie saam. Dan stel ons 'n behoorlik ooreenkoms op dat die een wat verloor moet die ander R5000 betaal en ons laat die getuies ook teken.
“Nou maar goed, reg so” sê die bankbestuurder en die ou tannie is daar weg.
Maar die weddenskap krap aan die bankbestuurder die hele res van die dag. Elke nou en dan het hy sy hand hier voor in sy broek in net om seker te maak sy testikels is rond en nie vierkantig nie.
Die aand by die huis gaan staan hy selfs voor die spieël om weer seker te maak.  
Toe die ou die oggend wakker word roep hy selfs sy vrou om ook net te kom kyk of hulle nog steeds rond is en die verseker hom, hulle is verseker rond!
Hy is daar weg kantoor toe, hoogs tevrede dat vandag is die dag wat hy die maklikste R5000 gaan verdien wat hy nog ooit verdien het.
Presies twaalfuur toe is die ou tannie daar sommer met twee ouens saam met haar.
“Right” sê sy, “meneer klim nou hier op die lessenaar en laat sak meneer se broek. Dan kyk ons.”
Die bankbestuurder klim op sy lessenaar en laat sak sy broek.
Nee, maar sy moet darem net eers voel en sy vat die kêrel se hele balsak so vol in die hand.
“uh-hu, uh-hu” sê sy, “nee dis maar reg so. Meneer kan nou maar afklim.”
“Ek het jou gewaarsku mevrou, maar nouja, 'n weddenskap is 'n weddenskap, kom laat ons teken en dan moet die getuies ook teken.”
Dis reg so. Die bankbestuurder sê toe, ”Maar mevrou, dis nie nodig dat al twee jou getuies hoef te teken nie. Een sal genoeg wees.”
“Nee, meneer” sê die ou tannie, “hierdie ander kêrel is nie 'n getuie nie. Dis n ou wat ek vanoggend R20,000 gewed het dat voor eenuur vandag sal ek my bankbestuurder aan die balls beet hê!”

(37) Kees sit eendag onder ʼn Kameeldoring toe daar twee luiperd-welpies by hom kom en hom vra, ”Kees, wat maak jy hier?”
“Nee ek sit sommer en dink, voor hierdie dag uit is gaan ek daardie ma van julle raps!”
Die twee welpies storm daar weg, reg na hulle ma toe en vertel haar wat die bobbejaan gesê het.
“So ʼn ou dôner!” sê die luiperd, ek sal hom vrek maak!” en sy bestorm vir Kees.
Kees vlieg op en laat spaander vir die vaal duiwel.
So in die hardloop sien hy 'n erdvark gat en besluit om daarin weg te kruip.
In haar haas duik die luiperd sommer so met voorpote en agterpote gelyk die gat in en daar sit sy vas in die opening van die gat. Net haar sterre steek bokant die opening uit.
Nou die van julle wat weet, 'n erdvark gat het mos kleiner tonnels wat weer op 'n ander plek uitkom en nie lank of Kees is weer uit die gat uit en wat hy so wil begin hardloop sien hy wat met die luiperd gebeur het.
Hy loop so versigtig nader en toe hy sien die luiperd sit nou behoorlik vas, loop hy so 'n draai om die luiperd, snuif so 'n slag en sê, “Well, dis nou nie eintlik my styl die nie, maar nouja, ek het die kinders belowe, het ek nie.”

(38) Die kêrel neem 'n meisie vir die eerste keer uit. Die jong dame lei ongelukkig aan epilepsie, maar die kêrel weet dit nie.
Later die aand is hulle in haar woonstel en die tweetjies is naderhand op die bed en dit gaan net te jollie. Die tweetjies vry 'n hond uit 'n bos, maar net voordat die meisie haar toppunt bereik, kry sy 'n epileptiese toeval.
Die kêreltjie skrik hom uit sy geloof en jaag met haar hospitaal toe.
By noodgevalle ontmoet 'n geneesheer hom en vra die kêrel wat fout is.
“Dokter”, sê hy, “Ek is nou self nie 'n medikus nie, maar as jy my sou vra, sou ek sê haar orgasme het vas gehak!”

(39) Gatiep verdrink in ʼn wynvat op 'n wynplaas en daar moet eers 'n nadoodse ondersoek ingestel word voordat hulle hom kan begrawe.
Die dag met die ondersoek getuig een van Gatiep se pêlle oor wat nou eintlik gebeur het en die pêl vertel hoedat Gatiep bo-oor die vat gebuk het toe hy sy ewewig verloor en in die vat geval het.
Die landdros vra hom toe, “Maar kon Gatiep dan nie swem nie?”
“Dja Edelagbare, natuurlik kon Gatiep swem. Hy het drie maal uitgeswem om te gaan piepie!”

(40) Ou Koos vertel vir sy maat hoe hy vêr bo die spoedgrens gejaag het toe 'n spietkop hom voorkeer. Hy sê die eerste ding wat die spietkop hom vra is, “Wat is jou van!?”
Ou Koos sê hy skrik so groot “ek gee die spietkop sommer my broer sê van!”

(41) Jakob verskyn in die hof en die Landdros vra hom, “Spel 'n mens jou naam met 'n “c” of met 'n “k” ?”
“Nay Edelagbare!  Djy spellit met 'n “jy”!  ...  anners is it mos Kakob! “

(42) Servaas was sy lewe lank bra vrekkerig en na sy dood arriveer hy by die Hemelpoort en die engel Gabriel en dié se assistent wag hom daar by die poort in.
Gabriel vra Servaas of hy ooit in sy lewe darem iets vir die armes gegee het of nie.
Servaas staan so 'n tyd lank en dink, ”hmmm .... hmm ... O ja! Ek het eenkeer vir 'n ou wat op straat staan en bedel het 10sent gegee!”
Gabriel vra hom, “Is dit al?”  Ja, dis al. Engel Gabriel vra sy assistent, “Nou wat sê jy? Wat maak ons met hom?”
“Gee hom sy 10sent terug en stuur hom hel toe!” antwoord die assistent.

(43) 'n Klomp paddatjies vrek toe die plaasdammetjie waarin hulle gebly het opdroog en nou staan hulle so 'n tou voor die hekke van die padda hemel en wag om in te gaan.
By die hek moet hulle eers ondervra word sodat daar vasgestel kan word of hulle darem kwalifiseer vir die padda hemel.
Die eerste outjie kom by die padda-engel en die vra hom, “Paddatjie wat is jou naam?”
“My naam is Willie oom”
“Was jy soet toe jy op aarde was?”
“Ja, oom”
“Wat het jy alles gedoen?”
“Ag, maar in die môre opgestaan, uit die water gespring, op klippie gespring, af klippie gespring, trug in die water gespring”
“Is dit al wat jy gedoen het?”
“Ja, oom! Dis maar al wat ons gedoen het”
Die volgende paddatjie kom by die engeltjie en die vra hom ook, “En wat is jou naam?”
“My naam is Petrus oom”
“En wat het jy gedoen toe jy op aarde was?”
“Ag, ook maar net opgestaan, uit die water gespring, op klippie gespring, af klippie gespring en dan weer trug in die water gespring.”
So gaan dit aan, een na die ander, almal dieselfde roetine elke dag. Uit die water, op klippie, af klippie, trug in die water.
Hier by die tiende paddatjie kom daar so 'n skaam paddatjie by die hek en die engel vra haar, “Paddatjie, wat is jou naam?”
“My naam is Klippie oom!”

(44) Dit is die juffrou se eerste dag wat sy skoolhou en so voor in die klas sit 'n dogtertjie met so 'n blou vlek op haar wangetjie.
“En die ou kol op die wangetjie my skat?” vra die juffrou, “het my kind seergekry?”
“Nee juffrou,” sê die dogtertjie met 'n lispel, “ek ith so thebore juffrou!”
Die onderwyseressie voel aaklig omdat sy so 'n fout kon begaan en besef sy sal in die toekoms meer diplomaties moet wees.
'n Paar dae later kom sy weer in die klas en daar sit Willempie met so 'n behoorlike blou oog in die klas.
“My hartjie!” se juffrou, “en die ou blou oog? Is my kind ook tho thebore?”
“Nee, juffrou” se Willempie, “ek ith tho themoer!”

(45) 'n Spul bankrowers storm eenkeer 'n bank binne en skree, “Hierdie is 'n bankroof! Almal lê op julle mae dan sal niemand seerkry nie! Die een wat nie op sy maag bly lê nie sal geskiet word!”
Almal slaan op hulle mae neer en hou net hulle koppe toe.
Arme Sannie skrik egter so groot, sy slaan reg agteroor in 'n vloute en beland op die naat van haar rug, so uit soos 'n kers!
Toe Willem, een van die klerke, hoor daar val iets hier langs hom, maak hy sy oë so versigtig oop en sien Sannie langs hom lê.
“Ag Here Sannie,” fluister hy vir haar, “lê tog in Vaders naam op jou maag! Hierdie is 'n bank roof, nie 'n bank party nie!”  

An old, “blind” cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake.He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.  
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 
'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?'
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent. 
In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says,   
'Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair,given that you are blind, that you should know five things:  
The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat. 
The bouncer is a blonde girl.   
I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde girl with a black belt in karate.   
The girl sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.  
The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.   
Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy. Do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?'
The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters,
'No not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times.' 

(47) Dearest KOOS

I'm writing this slow because I know that you can't read fast. We don't
live where we did when you left home. Your pa read in the newspaper that
almost all accidents happen within 20km of home. So we moved.

I can't send you the address, because the last family who lived here
took the house numbers when they moved, so they wouldn't have to change
their address.

This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine. I don't know
that it works so well though. Last week I put in a load of clothes and
pulled the chain. We haven't seen them since.

The weather isn't bad here. It rained only twice last week. The first
time for four days, and the second time for three days.

About the coat you wanted me to send you. Your oom Frikkie said it would
be too heavy to send them in the post with the buttons on, so we cut
them off and put them in the pockets.

Piet locked his keys in the car yesterday. We were really worried
because it took him two hours to get me and your father out.

Your sister had a baby this morning but I don't know what it is yet, so
I don't know if you are an aunt or an uncle. I was told that it is
almost black. I think she spent too much time in the sun when she was
pregnant, always helping Jonas the farmhand with the mealiest.

Oom Wessels fell into a whisky vat last week. Some men tried to pull him
out, but he fought them off and drowned. We had him cremated. It took
five days to put the fire out.

Three of your friends went off a bridge in their oupa's bakkie. I always
knew this thing was dangerous. Janneman was driving. He rolled down the
window and swam to safety. Your other two friends were on the back..They
drowned because they couldn't get the tailgate down.

There isn't much more news at this time. Nothing much out of the normal
has happened.

Your favourite aunt

P.S. I was going to enclose R25 but I already sealed the envelope!


Good morning . . . Thank you for calling. At present we are not at home, but please leave your message after you hear the beep.
beeeeeppp ....’
If you are one of our children, dial 1 and then select the option from 1 to 5 in order of "arrival" so we know who it is.
If you need us to stay with the children, press 2
If you want to borrow the car, press 3
If you want us to wash your clothes, press 4
If you want the grandchildren to sleep here tonight, press 5
If you want us to pick up the kids at school, press 6
If you want us to prepare a meal for Sunday or to have it delivered to your home, press 7
If you want to come to eat here, press 8
If you need money, press 9
If you are going to invite us to dinner, or taking us to the theater, please stay on the line and one of us will be with you shortly……………………
Your call is important to us, please stay on the line. (repeat ten times)

(49) Die vrou se motor gaan staan sonder brandstof en n Rooi Indiaan gee die vrou 'n geleentheid tot by die naaste vulstasie agterop sy perd. 
Sover as wat hulle ry weergalm die Indiaan se Tarzankrete.
By die vulstasie aangekom wil die joggie by die vrou weet: Hoekom is hy so opgewonde?
Vrou: Hoe sal ek weet! Hy skreeu nog die hele ent pad so.
Joggie: Was jy nie bang nie?
Vrou: Nee ek was nie regtig bang nie. Ek het maar net al hoe stewiger voor aan die saalboom vasgeklou.
Joggie: Mevrou, Rooi Indiane ry bloots!

(Taken from papers written by a class of 8-year-olds)

Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own.
A grandfather is a man, & a grandmother is a lady!
Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them.
They are old, they shouldn't play hard or run.
It is good if they drive us to the shops and give us money.
When they take us for walks, they slow down when they go past things, like pretty leaves and caterpillars.  
They show us and talk to us about the colors of the flowers and also why we shouldn't step on 'cracks in the sidewalk.'
Usually grandmothers are fat but not too fat to tie your shoes.
They wear glasses and funny underwear. 
Grandparents don't have to be smart.
They have to answer questions like 'Why isn't God married?' and 'How come dogs chase cats?'    
When they read to us, they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again.
Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us.
They know we should have a snack time before bed time, and they say prayers with us and kiss us even when we've acted badly.
It's funny when they bend over; you hear gas leaks, and they blame the dog.

(52) Gammat kom by sy maat en sê vir hom, “Het djy gehoor hulle het vir Gatiep opgehang?”
“Nay, hulle kan mos nie!  Gatiep het dan apiel!”
“Ek sê vir djou, hulle het hom so wgragtag gehang. Met a piel en al!”.

Ek wonder wie onthou nog Tolla se storie van die leeu in Pagel se Sirkus.

Die regte leeu het siek geword en kan die aand nie optree nie toe Pagel een van die tydelike werkers vra of hy nie in die plek van die leeu wil optree nie. Hulle sal dan vir hom 'n leeu pak aantrek wat op 'n druppel na aan 'n regte leeu lyk en al wat hy moet doen, is, hy moet die ring binne draf en dan der toertjies wat die leeutemmer vir hom sê om te doen, uitvoer.

Die aand draf die kêrel in sy leeu suit die ring binne en perform soos 'n wie weet watse leeu. Dan is hy op sy agterpote, dan weer op sy voorpote, dan spring hy op 'n stoeltjie en kap na die leeutemmer, net soos die genuine leeu.

Toe die vertoning klaar is, moet hy toe uitdraf deur die tonnel wat na die leeuhok lei, maar in sy opgewondenheid kies die kêrel toe die verkeerde tonnel en beland in die beer se hok. Toe hy die hok so binne draf toe sit daar een helse groot Grizzly beer in die oorkantste hoek wat hom glurend aanstaar.

Die leeu kêrel skrik sy melk weg en gaan sit in die teenoorgestelde hoek van die hok, doodstil.

Na 'n minuut of wat begeef die kêrel se moed hom en hy begin in so 'n diep growwe stem roep, “Pagelll!, Paaagell ! Pageeell!” Maar ou Pagel hoor hom nie.

Nog 'n minuut of wat later toe roep die kêrel weer, “Pagelll ! Pageeell, As jy nie nou gou kom nie dan kak ek in my broeeek!”

Net toe hy klaar is toe kom daar so 'n benoude stem uit die beer uit, “Jy kan maar los! Ek het klaar in mý broek gekaaak!”

(54)  How fights start  

The Unreasonable Mother-in-law

One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift.
The next year, I didn't buy her a gift and when she asked me why, I replied,
"Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!"
And that's when the fight started...

The Unreasonable Wife

My wife and I were watching 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' while we were in bed.
I turned to her and said, 'Do you want to have sex?'
'No,' she answered.
I then said, 'Is that your final answer?'
She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, 'Yes..'
So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."
And that's when the fight started...

The Humour-less Wife

I took my wife to a restaurant.
The waiter, for some reason, took my order first. "I'll have the rump steak, rare, please."
He said, "Aren't you worried about the ‘mad cow’?"
"Nah, she can order for herself."
And that's when the fight started...

The Misinformed Wife

My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion and she kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table.
I asked her, "Do you know him?"
"Yes", she sighed,
"He's my old boyfriend.... I understand he took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn't been sober since."
"My God!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?"
And that's when the fight started....

The Dangerous Wife

When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed.  But, somehow I always had something else to take care of first, the shed, the boat, making beer; always something more important to me. Finally she thought of a clever way to make her point.
When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. I watched silently for a short time and then went into the house. I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush. I said, "When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway."
The doctors say I will walk again, but I will always have a limp.

The Lazy Wife

My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels.
She asked, "What's on TV?"
I said, "Dust."
And that's when the fight started...

The Humourless Husband

Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the van and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio and discovered that the weather would be bad all day. I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed.
I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible."
My loving wife of 5 years replied, "And, can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?"
And that's when the fight started...

The well rounded Wife

My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary.
She said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds."
I bought her a bathroom scale
And that's when the fight started...

The Masochistic Husband

My wife was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.
She was not happy with what she saw and said to me, "I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.'
I replied, "Your eyesight's damn near perfect."
And that's when the fight started...

(55) Koos en sy vrou neem n seuntjie van die weeshuis vir die vakansie plaas toe, maar die kind is foken stout. Op die 3de dag bel Koos die weeshuis: “More, dis Van Der Merwe. Daai laaitie van julle het my donkie geverf, my vrou se skoukat se hare afgesny en my haan se twee pote afgekap!”
“Excuse me sir, I don't understand Afrikaans.”
Koos: “I say that boy of yours painted my ass, shaved my wives pussy and cut two feet off my cock!”

(56) Blond knoop haar bloes oop en vra die boer: “Wat sal jy doen as dit sulke druppels op die plaas reën?”
Boer knoop sy broek oop en sê: “Dan groei ek sulke mielies!"

(57) Liewe Ma en Pa,
Dit gaan goed met my en met julle?
Sê vir boetie Wouter en boetie Koos dat om in die Army te wees baie lekkerder is as om vir Oom Piet te werk.
Hulle moet sommer gou kom aansluit voordat al die plekke gevul word.
Ek was eers baie ongemaklik omdat mens in die bed moet bly tot amper 06:00,
maar nou geniet ek dit om so laat te kan slaap.
Sê vir Wouter en Koos al wat mens voor ontbyt moet doen, is om jou bed netjies en glad te maak en goed blink te vryf.
Niks’e ge-varke voer, koeie melk, mampoer meng of braaihout kappery nie.
Jy doen amper niks!
Manne moet nog skeer, maar dis nie so erg nie, want daar’s warm water.
Brekfis is sterk op vrugtesap, pap, eiers en bacon, maar minder sterk op steaks, boerewors, tjops, aartappels en goed soos vetkoek.
Maar sê vir hulle jy kan altyd tussen twee dorpsjapies wat net koffie leef, gaan sit.
Hulle kos plus joune hou mens darem vol tot twaalfuur toe wanneer jy weer gevoer word.
Hierdie dorpsjapies kan nie juis ver stap nie.
Ons gaan op roete marse, wat ons sal taai maak, sê die Sersant.
As hy so dink is dit mos nie my plek om hom reg te help nie.
'n Roete mars is omtrent so ver soos tot by ons posbus by die huis.
Dan kry die dorpsjapies seer voete en ons almal ry dan terug
in lorries. Die veld is mooi, maar baie plat.
Julle gaan julle morsdood lag as julle hiervan hoor. Ek bly medaljes kry vir skiet.
Ek weet nie hoekom nie.
Die bulls-eye is net so groot soos 'n dassie se kop en beweeg glad nie eers nie.
En dit skiet nie eers terug soos daai Venter’s van die buurplaas nie. Al wat jy moet doen is om doodstil te lê en dit raak te skiet.
Jy hoef nie eers jou eie ammunisie te maak nie, dit kom in bokse.
Dan is daar wat hulle noem "hand-to-hand combat training".
Jy stoei met die dorpsjapies van die stad af.
Ek moet versigtig wees, want hulle kry maklik seer.
Dis nie soos om met ons ou bul, Swart Duiwel, by die huis te stoei nie.
Ek is omtrent die beste wat hulle in hierdie peleton het, behalwe vir Groot Jan Jordaan van die Bosveld.
Hy het saam met my aangesluit. Maar ek is omtrent 5 voet 6 en weeg 70kg en hy is 6 voet 8 en weeg maklik 150kg, droë gewig.
Sê tog my boeties moet gou maak en aansluit voordat ander ouens uitvind van die ongelooflike Army setup en aangestorm kom!
Julle liefdevolle dogter Saartjie!

(58) These are genuine excerpts from Council complaint letters.
1. My bush is really overgrown round the front and my back passage has fungus growing in it.
2. He's got this huge tool that vibrates the whole house and I just can't take it anymore.
3. It's all the dog mess that I find hard to swallow.
4. I want some repairs done to my cooker as it has backfired and burnt my knob off.
5. I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle, very badly, when he put his foot in the hole in his back passage.
6. And their 18 year old son is continually banging his balls against my fence.
7. I wish to report that tiles are missing from the outside toilet roof. I think it was bad wind the other night that blew them off.
8. My lavatory seat is cracked, where do I stand?
9. I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is coming away from the wall.
10. Will you please send someone to mend the garden path? My wife tripped and fell on it yesterday and now she is pregnant.
11. I request permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen.
12. 50% of the walls are damp, 50% have crumbling plaster and 50% are just plain filthy.
13. I am still having problems with smoke in my new drawers.
14. The toilet is blocked and we cannot bath the children until it is cleared.
15. Will you please send a man to look at my water; it is a funny colour and not fit to drink.
16. Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces.
17. I want to complain about the farmer across the road; every morning at 6am his cock wakes me up and it's now getting too much for me.
18. The man next door has a large erection in the back garden, which is unsightly and dangerous.
19. Our kitchen floor is damp. We have two children and would like a third, so please send someone round to do something about it.
20. I am a single woman living in a downstairs flat and would you please do something about the noise made by the man on top of me every night.
21. Please send a man with the right tool to finish the job and satisfy my wife.
22. I have had the clerk of works down on the floor six times, but I still have no satisfaction.


The folks who are getting free stuff, don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now... The people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So... The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this: all great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded.
The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. Thomas Jefferson said it best: “Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not”.
The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff.

(60) Every day Little Johnny walks home from school past a 4th grade girl's house. One day he is carrying a football and hê stops to taunt the little girl. He holds up the
football and says, "Hey Mary! See this football? Football is a boy's game and girls can't have one!"
Little Mary runs into the house crying and tells her mother about the encounter. Her mother immediately runs out and buys the girl a football.
The next day, Johnny is riding home on his bike and Little Mary shows him the football and yells, "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!"
Little Johnny gets mad and points to his bike.
"See this bike? This is a boy's bike and girls can't have 'em!"
The next day, Johnny comes by and little Mary is riding a new boy's bike.
Now he is really mad. So he immediately drops his pants, points at his most private of private parts and says, "You see THIS? Only BOYS have these and not even
YOUR mother can go out and buy you one!"
The next day as Johnny passes the house he asks little Mary, "Well, what do you have to say NOW?"
She pulls up her dress and replies, "My mother told me that as long as I have one of these, I can have as many of THOSE as I want!"

(61) "I can't believe there's an athlete going to the Olympic games without legs!"
“Why is that strange?’ We’ve got many members of parliament without brains!”

(62) Husband walks in and says: "I've been so busy I don't know if I'm coming or going!"
Wife says: "by the look on your face, you're going...Because when you're coming, you look like a Fucking stroke victim trying to whistle!”

(63) Three contractors

One from Soweto , another from Pretoria , and the third from Benoni, are
bidding to fix a broken fence at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.
They go with a Union Buildings official to examine the fence...
The Pretoria contractor takes out a tape measure, does some measuring, and
then works some figures with a pencil. 'Well,' he says, 'I figure the job
will run about R900.
R400 for materials, R400 for my crew, and R100 profit for me.'
The Benoni contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, 'I
can do this job for R700: R300 for materials, R300 for my crew, and
R100 profit for me.'
The Soweto contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the Union
Buildings official and whispers,'R2,700.00'
The official, incredulous, says, 'You didn't even measure like the other
guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?'
The Soweto contractor whispers back, 'R1000 for me, R1000 for you, and we
hire the guy from Benoni to fix the fence!'

(64) After being married for 30 years a wife asked her hubby to describe her.
He looked at her slowly then said "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K."
She asks "what does that mean?"
He said "Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot."
She smiled happily and said "Oh, that's so lovely. What about I,J,K?”
He said "I'm Just Kidding!"

(65) The versatile Fuck word.
1.  Greeting: Nice to fucking see you!
2.  Command: Watch the fucking road!
3.  Surrender: I fucking give up!
4.  Problem: Now we’re fucked!
5.  Aggression: Fuck you!
6.  Jealousy: Fuck me!
7.  Confusion: What the fuck..!
8.  Daft: I don’t fucking understand!
9.  Admiration: That’s fucking beautiful!
10.  Despair:  Fuck this!
11.  Dissatisfaction: What the fuck is going on!
12.  Lost: Where the fuck are we?
13.  Disbelief: I don’t fucking believe this!
14.  Retaliation: Fuck off!
15:  Denial: I know fuckol about this! 
16.  Pain: Ouch fuck!
17.  Unsympathetic: I don’t give a fuck!
18.  Suspicion: Who the fuck are you?
19.  Panic: Let’s get the fuck out of here!
20.  Directive: Get the fuck away from me!
21.  Resistance: Never in my fucking life!
22.  Uncertainty: No fucking way! 

(66) Twee melaatses loop eendag en hitch-hike toe die een ou sy duim gooi. Toe lag die ander een sy gat af.

(67) Daardie lekker Moer woord.

1.  Verbasing: Wat die moer..?
2.  Opgee:  Te moer hiermee.
3.  Moeilikheid: Oo Moer..!
4.  Sukkel: Hoe de moer moet ek dit verstaan!
5.  Verwarring: Wat de moer!
6.  Verdwaal: Waar die moer is ons?
7.  Aggressie: Ek moer jou!
8.  Belofte: Jy gaan ge-moer word.
9.  Ongeloof: Nie 'n moer nie!
10.  Waarskuwing: Pasop, sy’s die moer in.
11.  Pyn: Eina Moer!
12.  Onsimpatiek: Ek gee nie 'n moer om nie!
13.  Ontkenning: Not de moer!
14.  Aanwysing: Vlieg in jou moer!
15.  Suspisie: Wie de moer is jy!?
16.  Admirasie: Dis nou moer mooi!
17.  Afguns: Sy moer!
18.  Misnoeë: Sies moer!
19.  Twyfel: Ek weet nie wat de moer om te doen nie.
20.  Tydsberekening: Moer lank.
21.  Afstand meting: Moer vêr.
22.  Hoogtebepaling: Moer hoog.
23   Diepte bepaling: Moer diep.
24.  Paniek: Ek’s moer laat!

(68) SAL se blinde pilot

Die Sal besluit om ʼn blinde loots aan te stel, en ʼn verslaggewer van ʼn sekere dagblad voer met hom ʼn onderhoud oor hoe hy dit regkry om ʼn Boeing te kan loots.
“Ag nee, dis maklik. As ek by OR Tambo kom dan neem 'n waardinnetjie my na die vliegtuig, kry my by my sitplek en maak my gordel vas. Dan wag ek totdat die beheertoring vir my sê ek kan maar ry. Dan sit ek daardie Boeing in reverse en ek tru totdat die co-pilot vir my sê ‘STOP!”
“Ja en dan?” vra die verslaggewer.
“Dan sê die co-pilot vir my ry nou vorentoe, draai links, ry reguit aan, draai weer regs en so aan totdat ek op die punt van die aanloopbaan kom. Dan kry ek die vliegtuig mooi in lyn met aanloopbaan se rigting, en wanneer die beheer toring vir my sê ek kan maar laat waai, dan druk ek daardie vliegtuigie se throttle tot heel voor en ek hou die stuurwiel maar net mooi stil.”
“Maar hoe weet jy wanneer om op te styg?” vra die verslaggewer.
“Nee wat, dis maklik. Ek wag net tot die co-pilot hier langs my skree, ‘O fokk!’ dan weet ek nou moet ek opstyg!”

(69) An old Marine Pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old USMC flight suit and leather jacket and ordered a cup of coffee.
As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the pilot and asked, “Are you a real pilot?”
He replied, “Well, I've spent my whole life flying planes, first Stearmans, then the early Grummans... flew a Wildcat and Corsair in WWII, and later in the Korean conflict, Banshees and Cougars. I've taught more than 260 people to fly and given rides to hundreds, so I guess I am a pilot, and you, what are you?”
She said, “I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about naked women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about naked women. When I shower, I think about naked women. When I watch TV, I think about naked women. It seems everything makes me think of naked women.”
The two sat sipping in silence.
A little while later, a young man sat down on the other side of the old pilot and asked: "are you a real pilot?"
He replied, “I always thought I was, but I just found out I'm a lesbian.”

(70) 45 sent!

Sannie se vir haar ma: “Ek gaan van Jannie skei.”
Sannie se ma antwoord geskok: “Ag, nee Sannie, wat gaan dan nou aan. Is jy seker, jy wil skei?”
“Ja, ma. Al wat Jannie soek is seks, seks, seks en meer seks. My paddatjie is al die grootte van n 50c stuk. Dit was altyd die grootte van ʼn 5c stuk.”
Haar ma is geskok en antwoord. “Jy's getroud met n multi-miljoenêr sakeman wat jou op sy hande dra, jy bly in n 8 slaapkamer mansion, jy ry n R3 miljoen se Ferrari, jy kry R40000-00 per week se spending geld, jy vat 6 vakansies per jaar en jy wil dit als weggooi!?
En dit oor 45c!!” 

(71) My Dog

I went down to the Benefits Office this morning to sign on my Dog.
The woman said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw benefits!"
I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, idle, can't speak English and has no clue who his father is.
She looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify.
He gets his first cheque on Friday.
This is a great country.

(72) Fochville 
Fochville is toe al die tyd n rowwer plek as Brakpan.
Jannie het vir hom ʼn Boksburg girl gekry en gaan op die eerste date met die girl.
Later die aand kom hulle by haar woonstel en die girl gooi haarself op die bank neer en vra:
“So Jannie, wat wil jy nou van my hê?”
Jannie: “Jou panties op jou knieë!”
Girl: “Gee my net ʼn oomblik, ek sal gou een gaan aantrek”

(73) ESKOM
Eskom has made a public anouncement :
"Eish, we have good news and bed news... "
"Eh, the bed news is thet the sheet is going to hit the fen weeth thees powa seetuation."
"Howeva, the good news is thet the fen is not going to be wekking."
(74) "Ya know, when I was 20 and got a hard-on, I couldn't bend it using both hands.     
I'm gonna be 80 next week, and now I can bend it with one hand.”                             
 ‘So, what's your point?’                                                                                                        
“Well, I'm just wondering, am I getting stronger or am I getting weaker?” 

(75)  Genie
Ou Koos loop eendag langs die see by Durban toe hy ʼn goue lampie op die strand optel.
Toe hy die lampie afvee, verskyn daar 'n Genie uit die lampie en sê vir Koos hy kan een wens kry omdat hy hom vrygelaat het.
Ou Koos sê vir die Genie: “Ag, jong, eintlik het ek al alles wat ek wou gehad het, maar die een ding wat ek nou regtig sal waardeer, is as jy vir my 'n brug kan gee van hier af tot in Australië.
Sien, die ding is so, al my kinders het al Australië toe emigreer en dit is net ek en my vrou wat nog in Suid-Afrika is. As jy nou vir my 'n brug kan gee Australië toe, dan kan ek elke naweek oorry soontoe en 'n bietjie by my kinders kuier en dan weer Sondag terugkom.”
Die Genie dink so 'n oomblik en sê vir Koos: “ Jong, nou vra jy darem 'n moerse groot ding! Het jy al gedink hoeveel beton, hoeveel staal, hoeveel bekisting daar in so 'n konstruksie sal ingaan?
En dan moet die brug nog hoog genoeg wees dat die groot vragskepe onderdeur kan vaar.
En ek aanvaar jy sal die pad geteer wil hê en dan moet daar nog straatligte ingesit word net sodat jy nie een aand van die brug afneuk nie.
Wil jy nie maar jou wens 'n bietjie heroorweeg en sien of daar nie iets makliker is wat jy graag sal wil hê nie?”
Ou Koos dink so 'n tydjie en toe sê hy vir die Genie: “Jong, nie regtig nie. Maar daar is een ding wat ek nog altyd begeer het om te weet en dit is hoe 'n vrou se kop werk.”
Na 'n paar sekondes toe sê die Genie: “Daardie brug waarvan jy gepraat het, hoe het jy gedink, moet dit 'n enkelbaan of dubbel baan wees!?” 

(76)  Robert Mugabe, president from Zimbabwe dies and goes to heaven.
When he gets there, St. Peter tells him that he is not on the list and he
does not belong in heaven.
Mugabe must go to hell.

So Mugabe goes to hell where Satan gives him a hearty welcome and
tells him to make himself at home.
Then Mugabe notices that he left his luggage in heaven and tells Satan, who says: "No problem, I'll send a couple of little devils to get your stuff."

When the little devils get to heaven, they find the gates are locked
as St. Peter is having lunch - and they start debating what to do.
Finally, one comes up with the idea that they should go over the wall
and get the luggage.
As they are climbing the wall, two little angels see them, and one angel says to the other: "My Lord, look at that! Mugabe has been in hell no more than ten minutes and we're already getting refugees from hell!"

(77) Julius Malema.
Julius: "You whities think you so clever because you were the first to walk on the moon. Just watch, the first person on the sun will be black."
Reporter: "But you will be incinerated long before you ever get there!?"
Julius: "You whities are stupid! We will go in the night!"

(78) Malema cleared up any confusion about Castor Semenya's true gender when he proclaimed: "He is a woman!"

(79) Vlermuis.
Die vlermuis kom ingevlieg by die grot met vars bloed om sy bek.
Die ander vlermuise gaan mal, want hulle wil ook daarvan hê.
Na 'n lang gesukkel om hom so vêr te kry om vir hulle ook te vertel waar die bloed vandaan kom, sê die vlermuis hy sal hulle gaan wys.
Almal vlieg toe agter hom aan en na 'n tydjie kom hulle voor 'n groot boom te lande.
"Sien julle hierdie boom?"
"Ja, Ja" skree die honger vlermuise!
"Wel goed vir julle, want ek het fokken ding nie gesien nie!

(80) Met seks dan sê die Pretoria girls altyd: “Ek kom, ekkomekkom, ek kooom!”
ʼn Namakwaland girl sê: “Smaaak my, ons maaak nou klaaaar!”

(81) Omie wat ry op die snelweg en sien jong outjie wat staan en duimgooi en besluit om hom op te laai. Die outjie klim in die kar en die dialog verloop soos volg:
Omie: “More boet, waarheen is jy op pad?”
Outjie: “Mmmmmore ooooom, eeeek iiiiis oooop pppppad nnnnna Pppppprettttoria”
Omie: Dink by himself …. O kak, dit gaan ‘n lang pad wees, maar vra toe maar beleefd: “Wat gaan jy daar doen?”
Outjie: “Gggggggaaan vvvvir ‘n oooonderhhhhoud, oooooom”
Omie: “By watter firma?”
Outjie: “Dddddie SsssssAUK, oooooom”
Omie: “Dit klink goed, vir watter posisie?”
Outjie: “ ’nnn nnnnnnuuuus lllleser, ooooom”
Omie: Effe uit die veld geslaan: “En dink jy jy staan ‘n goeie kans om die werk te kry boet?”
Outjie: ‘Nnnnnneee ooooom”
Omie: “Maar hoekom nie?”
Outjie: “Wwwwwant eeeeek iiiiiis ssseker maar te fffffffffokken lank!!”

(82) Jane and Arlene are outside their nursing home, having a drink and a smoke, when it starts to rain. Jane pulls out a condom, cuts off the end, puts it over her cigarette, and continues smoking.

Arlene: “What in the hell is that?”

Jane: “A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet.”

Arlene: “Where did you get it?”

Jane: “You can get them at any pharmacy.”

The next day, Arlene hobbles herself into the local pharmacy and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms.

The pharmacist, obviously embarrassed, looks at her kind of strangely (she is after all, over 80 years of age), but very delicately asks what brand of condom she prefers.

Doesn't matter Sonny, as long as it fits on a Camel.”

(83) 'n Amerikaanse toeris doen “white water rafting” op die Oranjerivier en Gatiep is sy toergids.

 Die Amerikaner vra vir Gatiep: “Do you know psychology, methodology, biology or geology?

Gatiep antwoord: “Nei Master, never heard those big words!”

Amerikaner: “You sure don’t know a lot my friend?”

Skielik kry die boot 'n lekkasie en begin sink.

Gatiep vra die Amerikaner: ”Do you know swimonology and escapology away from crocodology?”.   

Amerikaner: “What the fuck you mean??”

Gatiep: “Well, today you going to learn versuiptology just before you see  joumoerology.”

(84)  The one guy was telling his friend, “My girlfriend suffers from a very peculiar condition. Every time she sneezes she has an orgasm.”
“But that’s terrible!” answers the friend, “Is she using something for it?”
“Yes” answers the guy, “pepper!”

(85) Raja and his date were parked on a back road some distance from Durban, doing what boys and girls do.
Things were getting hot and heavy when his date stopped Raja.
"I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I'm actually a call girl and I charge R120," she said.
Raja just looked at her for a couple of seconds, but then reluctantly paid her, and they did their thing.
After a cigarette, Raja just sat in the driver's seat looking out the window.
"Why aren't we going anywhere?" the girl asked.
"Well, I really should have mentioned this before," said Raja, "but I'm actually a taxi driver. The fare back to Durban is R130.”

(86) Man op die hospitaalbed het heavy maagpyn! Hy try 'n wind los en bekak sy hele hosiptaalbed. Hy gryp die laken en gooi dit by die venster uit.
'n Dikgesuipte boemelaar stap op die sypaadjie en die vuil lakens val op hom.
Hy slaan, klap en gaan tekere tot die laken af is.
Die sekuriteitswag by die hoek van die straat vra vir die ou: "Wat het gebeur?"
Boemelaar:"Ek weet nie, maar ek het nou net die kak uit daai spook gemoer!”

(87) Brakpan

*Jy weet jy is in Brakpan as jou girl se ouma verwag.
*As 'n Brakpanner verby n dam loop gooi die eende vir hom brood.  
*Hoe vind 'n Brakpanner sy sussie in die donker?  Blerri lekker.
*In Brakpan kan hulle net tot 3 tel: 1L Brandewyn, 2L Coke, 3L Cortina.
*6uur in die aand sluit die Brakpanners hulle kinders in die huis toe sodat die honde buite kan speel.
*Brakpan pickup line: “Ek weet jy's ni 'n klip ni maar kan ek jou maar gooi?” ......
*..... of: “Hey koekie, gaan jy buk of kan ek jou maar trip?”
*Kan iemand asb. vir die Brakpanners die verskil tussen sneeu en kokaiene verduidelik..  julle is nie op 'n trip nie, dis  brain freeezzzz!!
*In Brakpan loop die honde in pare, hulle is bang die kinders byt.
*As 'n Brakpanner die lotto wen...sit hy Ferrari mags op sy Cortina.
*Hoe weet jy iemand kom van Brakpan af? As hy dink "fast food" is om 'n rooibok op 150km/h met sy Cortina te slaan.
*Die deurmekaarste dag op Brakpan is vadersdag.
*Brakpanners se huise lyk almal dieselfde; Die vensters is getint en fondasies is gedrop.
*Wat is die verskil tussen 'n Brakpan girl en 'n muskiet? As jy ʼn muskiet klap hou hy op suig.
*Brakpan girls is goedkoper as ‘please call me's’.
*Jy weet jy's in Brakpan as die kinders dink Jack Daniels is familie.
*Hulle sê dat Brakpanners so arm is dat hulle die kinders op die grasperk laat kak sodat die diewe kan dink daar is waghonde op die erf.
*Party Brakpanners laat weer die hoenders in die sitkamer kak om die grasperk skoon te hou.

(88) The Pastor's Ass
The Pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. 
The Pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again and it won again. 
The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT. 
The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the Pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. 
The next day the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR’S ASS.
This was too much for the Bishop so he ordered the Pastor to get rid of the donkey.
The Pastor decided to give it to a Nun in a nearby convent. 
The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day: 
The Bishop fainted. He informed the Nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey so she sold it to a farmer for $10.
The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10. 
This was too much for the Bishop so he ordered the Nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. 
The next day the headlines read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE.
The Bishop was buried the next day. 
The moral of the story:  Being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery  ... even shorten your life.
So be yourself and enjoy life. Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and
you'll be a lot happier and live longer!

(89)  Are you deaf !?
A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid.
Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.
The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.
Here's what you do," said the Doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response."
That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens."
Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?" No response.
So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, "Honey, what's for dinner?" Still no response.
Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, "Honey, what's for dinner?" Again he gets no response.
So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. "Honey, what's for dinner?" Again there is no response.
So he walks right up behind her.  "Honey, what's for dinner?"
"Ralph, for the FIFTH time, CHICKEN!"  

(90) Politician

A politician was seated next to a little girl on an airplane so he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."

The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know," said the politician. "How about global warming, fast broadband or the Refugee situation?" he said, smiling smugly.

"Okay," the little girl said. "Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?"

The legislator, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, with typical politicians wisdom "Hmmm, I have no idea." 
To which the little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss refugees, computers, or climate change, when you don't know shit?"

(91) My favourite one-liners

Q: When do you kick a midget in the balls?
A: When he is standing next to your girlfriend saying her hair smells nice

Q: What's the difference between your job and a dead prostitute?
A: Your job still sucks!

Q: What did the hurricane say to the coconut palm tree?
A: Hold on to your nuts, this is no ordinary blow job!

Q: How do you get a nun pregnant?
A: Dress her up as an alter boy.

Q: How do you tell if a chick is too fat to fuck ?
A: When you pull her pants down her ass is still in them

Q: What do you call an anorexic bitch with a yeast infection?
A: A Quarter Ponder with Cheese.

Q: How do you stop a dog from humping your leg?
A: Pick him up and suck on his cock!

Q: What's the difference between a bowling ball and a blonde?
A: You can only fit three fingers inside a bowling ball!

Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
A: Kick his sister in the jaw.

Q: Three words to ruin a man's ego...?
A: "Is it in?"

Q: What do the Mafia and a pussy have in common?
A: One slip of the tongue, and you're in deep shit.

Q: Why don't black people go on cruises?
A: They already fell for that trick once.

A daughter asked her mother how to spell penis, her mom said: " You should have asked me last night, it was at the tip of my tongue."

Q: What has got two legs and bleeds?
A: Half a dog!

Q: What do you call an Afghan virgin
A: Never bin laidon

Q: Why did God give men penises?
A: So they'd have at least one way to shut a woman up.

Q: What do you call a lesbian dinosaur
A: A lickalotopis

Q: What did One gay sperm say to another?
A: How do we find an egg in all of this shit?

If a firefighters business can go up in smoke, and a plumbers business can go down the drain, can a hooker get layed off?

If you had a donkey and I had a chicken and if your donkey ate my chicken what will you have? Three feet of my cock up your ass.

Q: What do you call a 13 year old girl from Kentucky who can run faster than her six brothers?
A: A virgin.

Q: Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning?
A: They don't have balls to scratch.

Q: What did the banana say to the vibrator?
A: Why are YOU shaking? She's going to eat me!

One day, a little boy wrote to Santa Clause, "Please send me a sister." Santa Clause wrote him back, "Ok, send me your mother."

Q: What does a 75 year old woman have between her breasts that a 25 year old doesn't?
A: Her navel.

Q: What does a good bar and a good woman have in common?
A: Liquor in the front and poker in the back!

Q: Why does the Easter Bunny hide Easter eggs?
A: He doesn't want anyone knowing he's been fucking the chickens!

Q: What is the difference between erotic and kinky?
A: Erotic is using a feather....kinky is using the whole chicken.

Q: When does a cub become a boy scout?
A: When he eats his first Brownie.

Q: What is the leading cause in death with lesbians?
A: Hairballs.

Q: Why doesn’t Mexico have an Olympic team?
A: Because everybody who can run, jump and swim are already in the U.S.

Q: How do you embarrass an archaeologist?
A: Give him a used tampon and ask him which period it came from.

Q: What is the difference between snowmen and snowwomen?
A: Snowballs.

Q: What do hockey players and Surrey girls have in common?
A: They both only change their pads after every third period!

Q: What is the difference between oral and anal sex?
A: Oral sex makes your day and Anal sex makes your whole weak.

Q: What is a vagina?
A: The box a penis comes in.

Q: How is a woman like a road?
A: Both have manholes.

Q: Whats the hardest part about eating a vegetable?
A: Putting her back in the wheelchair when your done...

Q: What would happen if you cut off your left side?
A: You would be all right.

Q: Why are black men penises bigger than white men?
A: Because as kids white men had toys to play with!

Q: Why are most Guidos named Tony?
A: When they got on the boat to America they stamped To NY (Tony) on their foreheads.

Q: What is the difference between ooooooh and aaaaaaah?
A: About three inches.

Q: What's worse than spiders on your piano?
A: Crabs on your organ.

Q: What did the blind man say when he passed the fish market?
A: Good morning ladies.

Q: Why are cowgirls bowlegged?
A: Cowboys like to eat with their hats on.

Q: What is the difference between a genealogist and a gynecologist?
A: A genealogist looks up your family tree. A gynecologist looks up your family bush.

Q: What did the Alabama sheriff call the black guy who had been shot 15 times?
A: Worst case of suicide he had ever seen.

Q: After a quarrel, a husband said to his wife, "You know, I was a fool when I married you."
A: She replied, "Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn’t notice."

Q: What’s black, white, and red all over and doesn’t fit through a revolving door?
A: A nun with a spear through her head.

Q: Why are pubic Hairs so curly?
A: So they don’t poke her eye out.

Q. What’s the difference between a bandleader and a gynecologist?
A. A bandleader fucks his singers and a gynecologist sucks his fingers.

Q: What has a whole bunch of little balls and screws old ladies?
A: A bingo machine.

Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say?
A: Beat it, we’re closed.

Q: Why do men like big tits and a tight ass?
A: Because they’ve got big mouths and little dicks.

Q: Whats long hard and full of seamen?
A: A submarine

Q: What do you get if you cross a gay midget with a vampire?
A: Cocksucker!

Q: Did you hear about the Chinese couple that had a retarded baby?
A: They named him Sum Ting Wong.

Q: Name the five great kings that have brought happiness in to peoples lives
A: Drinking Licking sucking fucking and wanking.

Q: What do you get when you mix LSD and birth control?
A: A trip without the kids!

Q: Who was the most well known Jewish cook?
A: Hitler!

Q: How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony?
A: It’s not hard.

Q: How do you know if you have an overbite?
A: If your eating pussy and it tastes like shit!

Q: Have you heard the one about the lesbian that took Viagra?
A: She couldn’t get her tongue back in her mouth for a month!

Q: Why don't bunnies make noise when they have sex?
A: Because they have cotton balls.

Q: What do a nearsighted gynecologist and a puppy have in common?
A: A wet nose.

Q: What do you get when you cross a whore with a systems engineer?
A: A fuckin know-it-all!

Q: What does a homeless woman use for a vibrator?
A: Two flies in a bottle.

Q: Why don't blind people skydive?
A: It scares the shit out of their dogs!

Q: What do you do when your dishwasher stops working?
A: Slap her on the ass and tell her to get back to work.

Q: Whats the difference between light and hard?
A: You can go to sleep with a light on!

Q: Whats the best thing about dating homeless chicks?
A: You can drop them off anywhere.

Q: What did the lesbian vampire say to the other lesbian vampire?
A: "I'll see you next month."

Q: Why don't they teach Driver's Ed and sex education on the same day in the Middle East?
A: They don't want to wear out the camel.

Q: What did Bill Clinton say to Monica Lewinsky?
A: I told you to lick my erection, not wreck my election.

Q: What do you call a retard in a tree with a brief case?
A: Branch Manager.

Q. How does a Scotsman find a sheep in tall grass?
A. Very satisfying.

Q: What's 6 inches long, 2 inches wide and drives women wild?
A: a $100 bill!

Q: What do you call a persian that smokes pot?
A: Harry Potter!

Q: What do you call it when a boy and girl make love for the first time?
A: Cumming of Age.

Q: What have women and condoms got in common?
A: If they're not on your dick they're in your wallet.

Q: What's the difference between a tire and 365 condoms?
A: One's a Goodyear and the other is a fucking goodyear

Q: What do you call an epileptic in a vegetable garden?
A: Seizure Salad

Q: What is the definition of Confidence?
A: When your wife catches you in bed with another woman and you slap her on the ass and say, "You're next Baby... !"

Q: Why were the two whores travelling in London pissed off?
A: Because they found out that Big Ben was a clock!

Q: How do you stop a clown from smiling?
A: Shoot him in the face!

If you force sex on a prostitute, is it rape or shoplifting?

A redhead tells her blonde stepsister, "I slept with a Brazilian...." The blonde replies, "Oh my God! You slut! How many is a brazilian?"

Mom: If a boy touches your boobs say "don't" and if he touches your pussy say "stop"? Girl: But mom, he touched both so I said "don’t stop"

Women fake orgasms to have relationships. Men fake relationships to have orgasms.

Scientists say the average size of the male penis has gone down to 5 inches. This just shows how big the Chinese population is getting. 

(92) My favourite blond jokes

Q: Why do blondes wear underwear?
A: To keep their ankles warm.

Q: What do you call a blonde with pig tails?
A: A blow job with handlebars

Q: How can you get a blonde to laugh on Saturday?
A: Tell her a joke on Wednesday.

Q: Why was the blonde confused after giving birth to twins?
A: She couldn't figure out who the other mother was.

A blonde walked into the dentist office and sat down in the chair. The dentist said "Open Wide"
"I can't" The blonde said. "This chair has arms"

Q: Why did the blonde get blown up into pieces
A: Because she bought a Palestinian Blow Up Doll from the Sex Shop

Q: What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimers disease?
A: Her IQ goes up!

Q: Why should blondes not be given coffee breaks?
A: It takes too long to retrain them.

Q: What do you do when a blonde throes a hand grenade at you?
A: Pull the pin and throw it back.

Q: Why did the blonde jump over the glass wall?
A: So she could see what was on the other side!

Q: Why is it good to have a blonde passenger?
A: You can park in the handicap zone.

Q: Why did the blonde stop using the pill?
A: Because it kept falling out.

How do you know when a blond's been in your frige?
A: Lipstick on the cucumbers! 

Q: How do you confuse a blonde?
A: You don't. They're born that way.

Q: What's a blonde's favorite nursery rhyme?
A: Humpme Dumpme.

Q: What do you do when a blonde throws a pin at you?
A: Run like hell, she has a grenade in her hand.

Three women are on death row in Utah (death penalty by firing squad) and about to be executed. One's a brunette, one's a redhead, and one's a blonde. Two guards brings the brunette forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready.....Aim....." Suddenly the brunette yells, "Earthquake!!" Everyone is startled and looks around. She manages to escape.
The angry guards then bring the redhead forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready....Aim...."  The redhead then screams, "Tornado!" Yet again, everyone is startled and looks around. She too escapes execution.
By this point, the blonde had figured out what the others did. The guards bring her forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She also says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready....Aim...." The blonde shouts, "Fire!"

You know you are a blond if you think a G-string is part of a violin. 
You know you are a blond if you think Anus is the Latin word for yearly. 
You know you are a blond if you believe Testicles are found on an octopus. 
You know you are a blond if you think an umbilical cord is part of a parachute. 
You know you are a blond if you believe a diaphragm is a drawing in geometry. 
You know you are a blond if you're think lesbian is a person from the Middle East
You know you are a blond if you think Sodomy is a special kind of fast growing grass. You know you are a blond if you believe Genitals are people of non-Jewish origins. 
You know you are a blond if you think Douche is the Italian word for twelve. 
You know you are a blond if you think an enema is someone who is not your friend. 
You know you are a blond if you believe Menopause is a button on the VHS remote control.
Q: Which of the following words does not belong: meat, eggs, wife, blowjob. A: Blowjob. You can beat your meat, eggs, and wife; but you can’t beat a blowjob.

Teacher: "Does anybody have an example of a multi-syllable word?" Johnny says " Mas-ter-bate." Ms Hall smiles and says, "Wow, little Johnny, that’s a mouthful." Little Billy says, "No, Miss Hall, you’re thinking of a blowjob." 

93.Three nuns died and went to heaven. When they arrived there, St, Peter welcomed them but told them they will each have to answer one question before they will be allowed through the pearly gates.
So the first nun approached and St. Peter asks her, “Who was the first man on earth?”
The nun answered “Adam of cource”
And the trumpets sound and the angels sang and the pearly gates opened.
The second nun steps up and St. Peter asks her, “Who was the first woman on earth”?”
“Well Eve of cource” she answers.
And the trumpets sound and the angels sang and the pearly gates open.
The third nun steps up and St. Peter asks her, “What was the first thing Eve said to Adam when they first met?”
“That’s a hard one” answers the nun.
And the trumpets sound....... 

94. A guy meets a girl and told het he was an Olympic champion in diving. Trying to impress her he took her to a swimming pool and performed some of his popular dives for her. From the high divingboard he does a few forward somersaults, backward somersaults, swallows etc.
Not to be outdone the girl tells him she can also swim.
She dived into the pool naked and completed about fifty lengths of the pool with no sweat.
"Hell!" said the fellow, "Are you also an Olympic champion?"
"No" said the girl, "I'm a Venitian prostitute working both sides of the canal"

95. A prisoner escapes from his California prison where he had been kept for 15 years. as he runs away, he finds a house and breaks into it. He finds a young couple in bed. He gets the guy out of the bed, ties him up on a chair, ties up the woman to the bed and while he gets on top of her, he kisses her on the neck, then gets up, and goes to the bathroom.
While he is there, the husband tells his wife: "Listen, this guy is a prisoner, look at his clothes! He probably spent a lot of time in prison, and has not seen a woman in years. I saw the way he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, just do what he tells you, give him satisfaction. This guy must be dangerous, if he gets angry, he will kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you!"
To which the wife responds, "I am glad you think that way. Sure, he has not seen a woman in years, but he was not kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me that he found you very sexy, and asked if we kept any Vaseline in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too...!"

96. A husband walks into the bedroom holding two aspirin and a glass of water.
His wife asks: "What's that for?"
"It's for your headache."
"I don't have a headache."
He replies, "Gotcha!"

97. Presidents Ford, Reagan, Carter, Nixon and Clinton were on the Titanic. On that fateful night the ship hit an iceberg and began to sink.
Ford screamed, "What should we do?"
Reagan said, "Man the lifeboats."
Carter said, "Women first."
Nixon said, "Screw the women."
Clinton said, "Do you think we have time?"  

98.  An older couple, who were both widowed, had been going out with each other for a long time. Urged on by their friends, they decided it was finally time to get married. Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation regarding how their marriage might work. They discussed finances, living arrangements, and so on.
Finally, the old gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of their physical relationship. "How do you feel about sex?" he asked, rather tentatively.
"I would like it infrequently", she replied.
The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment, adjusted his glasses, then leaned over towards her and whispered, "Is that one word or two?"

99. An elderly woman goes to the doctor and asks his help to revive her husband's sex drive. 'What about trying Viagra?' asks the doctor.
'Not a chance,' says Mrs. Murphy. 'He won't even take an aspirin for a headache.'
'No problem,' replies the doctor. 'Drop it into his coffee, he won't even taste it. Try it and come back in a week to let me know how you got on.'
A week later Mrs. Murphy returns to the doctor and he inquires as to how things went. 'Oh it was terrible, just terrible doctor!'
'What happened?' asks the doctor.
'Well I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee. The effect was immediate. He jumped straight up, swept the cutlery off the table, at the same time ripping my clothes off and then proceeded to make passionate love to me on the tabletop. It was terrible!'
'What was terrible?' said the doctor, 'was the sex not good?'
'Oh no doctor, the sex was the best I've had in 25 years, but I'll never be able to show my face in McDonald's again!'

100. After having their 11th child, a redneck couple decided that was enough, as they could not afford a larger bed.
So the husband went to his veterinarian and told him that he and his wife didn't want to have any more children. The doctor told him that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that could fix the problem but that it was expensive. A less costly alternative, said the doctor, was to go home, get a cherry bomb, light it, put it in a beer can, then hold the can up to his ear and count to 10.
The man said to the doctor, "I may not be the smartest man in the world, but I don't see how putting a cherry bomb in a beer can next to my ear is going to help me."
"Trust me," said the doctor.
So the man went home, lit a cherry bomb and put it in a beer can. He held the can up to his ear and began to count:
At which point he paused, placed the beer can between his legs, and resumed counting on his other hand.

101. A cardiac specialist died and at his funeral the coffin was placed in front of a huge mock up of a heart made up of flowers. When the pastor finished with the sermon and eulogy, and after everyone said their good-byes, the heart opened, the coffin rolled inside and the heart closed. Just then one of the mourners burst into laughter. The guy next to him asked: "Why are you laughing?" "I was thinking about my own funeral," the man replied. "What's so funny about that?" "I'm a gynecologist."

102. A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.
Moral of the story:
1. Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy
2. Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend
3. And when you’re in deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth

103. A nursery school teacher says to her class, "Who can use the word 'definitely' in a sentence?"
First a little girl says, "The sky is definitely blue."
The teacher says, "Sorry, Amy, but the sky can sometimes be gray, or black."
A second little boy says, "Trees are definitely green."
"Sorry, but in the autumn, the trees are brown."
Then little Johnny from the back of the class stands up and asks, "Does a fart have lumps?"
The teacher looks horrified and says, "Johnny! Of course not!!!"
"OK...then I DEFINITELY shit my pants!

104. A mother and daughter are talking about the facts of life. The girl says, "Mommy, what's a penis?"
Her mother says, "That's what your father pees with."
Then the girls says, "So what's a prick?"
Her mother frowns and says, "That's what is attached to the penis."

105. A couple of weeks ago, I played with new member who shot an even par 72.
We had fun during the round, so I asked him if he wanted to play next week. He said: "Sure, but I might be a half hour late."
The following week he shows up right on on time, and sets up on the first tee this time playing left-handed. Again he shoots a 72.
I asked him if he wanted to play again next week.
He replied: "Sure but I might be a half hour late."
I then asked him :"How come some times you play right-handed and other times, left-handed."
He said,"When I wake up in the morning and my wife is sleeping on her left side, I play left- handed and if she is on her right side, then I play right- handed."
I then ask ;"So,what if she is laying flat on her back?"
"That's when I'll be a half hour late!" he replied

106. A salesman's car breaks down, so he asks a farmer to let him spend the night, and the farmer agrees. In the middle of the night, the salesman wakes up and is really thirsty, so he decides to go to the barn and get some milk from a cow.
Soon, the farmer hears noises coming from the barn and goes to investigate. He then sees the salesman coming out of the barn soaking wet and with a white liquid dripping down his face. The farmer asks, "What happened to you?"
The salesman says, "I just got thirsty, so I milked your cow. It was so dark in there I don't know how I did it. But I'm telling you, that cow has great milk! I must have drank a gallon of it!"
The farmer then stares at him with a puzzled look and says, "But we don't have a cow. We just have the bull..."

107. A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, “Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there?”
The father, surprised, answers, “Well, son, there are three kinds of Boobs. In her 20′s, a woman’s are like melons, round and firm. In her 30′s to 40′s, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions.”
“Yes, you see them and they make you cry.”
This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, “Mum, how many kinds of ‘willies’ are there?”
The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, “Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his 20′s, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30′s and 40′s, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50′s, it is like a Christmas Tree.”
“A Christmas tree?”
“Yes – the root’s dead and the balls are just for decoration.”

108. A girl realized that she had grown hair between her legs. She got worried and asked her mom about that hair.
Her mom calmly said, “That part where the hair has grown is called Monkey, be proud that your monkey has grown hair.” …. the girl smiled.
At dinner, she told her sister, “My monkey has grown hair.”
Her sister smiled and said, “That’s nothing, mine is already eating bananas.”

109. A man walks into a bar and sees a guy with a really big lighter. He asks the man, “Where did you get such a big lighter?”
The man replies,”See that man playing piano over there? He’s a genie and he’ll grant you one wish.”
So the guy walks over to the genie and says, “I wish for a million bucks.” All of a sudden the room fills up with a million ducks.
The man walks over to the guy with the lighter and says, “That genie is a little hard of hearing isn’t he.”
The guy replies, “No kidding! You think I asked for a 14 inch Bic!?”

110. Give Women...
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
A woman multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
Why is this important for every man to know?
Because if you give her any crap, you need be ready to receive a ton of shit in return

111. It's Saturday morning and John's just about to set off on a round of golf when he realizes that he forgot to tell his wife that the guy who fixes the washing machine is coming around at noon. So John heads back to the clubhouse and phones home.
"Hello?" says a little girl's voice.
"Hi, honey, it's Daddy," says John. "Is Mommy near the phone?"
"No, Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Fred."
After a brief pause, John says, "But you haven't got an Uncle Fred, honey!"
"Yes, I do, and he's upstairs in the bedroom with Mommy!"
"Okay, then. Here's what I want you do. Put down the phone, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout in to Mommy and Uncle Fred that my car's just pulled up outside the house."
"Okay, Daddy!" A few minutes later, the little girl comes back to the phone. "Well, I did what you said, Daddy."
"And what happened?"
"Well, Mommy jumped out of bed and ran around screaming, then she tripped over the rug and went out the front window and now she's all dead."
"Oh, my God! What about Uncle Fred?"
"He jumped out of bed too, and he was all scared, and he jumped out the back window into the swimming pool. But he must have forgot that last week you took out all the water to clean it, so he hit the bottom of the swimming pool and now he's dead too."
There is a long pause.
"Swimming pool? Is this 555-3097?"

112. What's For Lunch?
A man goes into a restaurant and is seated. All the waitresses are gorgeous. A particularly voluptuous waitress wearing a very short skirt came to his table and asked if he was ready to order, "What would you like, sir?"
He looks at the menu and then scans her beautiful frame top to bottom, then answers, "A quickie."
The waitress turns and walks away in disgust. After she regains her composure she returns and asks again, "What would you like, sir?"
Again the man thoroughly looks her over and, again, answers, "A quickie, please."
This time her anger takes over. She reaches over and slaps him across the face with a resounding "SMACK!" and storms away.
A man sitting at the next table leans over and whispers, "Um, Pal, I think it's pronounced 'quiche'."

113. A woman was terribly overweight, so her doctor put her on a diet. "I want you to eat regularly for two days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for two weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least 5 pounds."
When the woman returned, she shocked the doctor by losing nearly 20 pounds.
"Why, that's amazing!" the doctor said. "Did you follow my instructions?"
The woman nodded. "I'll tell you though, I thought I was going to drop dead that third day."
"From hunger, you mean?" "No, from skipping."

114. A navy captain is alerted by his First Mate that there is a pirate ship coming towards his position. He asks a sailor to get him his red shirt.
The captain was asked, “Why do you need a red shirt?”
The Captain replies, “So that when I bleed, you guys don’t notice and aren’t  discouraged.” They fight off the pirates eventually.
The very next day, the Captain is alerted that 50 pirate ships are coming towards their boat. He yells, “Get me my brown pants!”

115. The bartender says “You can’t have that thing in here! Get out!” The guy says “It’s okay, this Alligator is highly trained. Just give me a few seconds and I’ll show you.”
The bartender, intrigued, gives him the go-ahead. The man gingerly lifts the alligator up onto a table. By this point, everybody in the bar is gawking at this strange man and his pet.
The man grins around the room. Having a new audience, he clears his throat and says “This is Allie the Amazing Alligator, and he is so well-trained that I can do this,” He balls up his fist and gives the alligator a swift crack on the head. “OPEN!” He says. The alligator opens his mouth. Before the bartender can do anything, the man unzips his fly and whips it out. He gingerly places his penis in the front of the alligator’s gaping maw. He wallops the alligator once more and says “CLOSE!” And the alligator ever-so-gently closes his terrifying jaws comfortably around his junk. One last time, he raps his head and says “OPEN!” He removes his unharmed manhood, and tucks it safely back into his pants.
The crowd applauds, and he takes a bow. With all eyes still focused on him, he says “Now, any of you guys have the balls to do that, I’ll buy you a drink and give you fifty dollars.” Silence falls over the bar, and everyone looks around for someone who might be willing to take the bet. After a few endless, uncomfortable seconds, A little dude in the back slowly raises his hand and says “I’ll do it, but you have to promise not to hit me so hard.”

116. One rainy Sunday afternoon, a young couple were on their way to their Church to get married. On the way there, their car lost control and slammed into a telephone pole – killing them both instantly.
The couple soon found themselves standing in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, welcoming them to Heaven. The young woman asks Peter if they could get married in Heaven, since their time on Earth was cut short. He replies that he’ll get back with them on that request.
A month later, St. Peter finds them and announces that they can – in fact – get arried in Heaven. To his suprise, the woman asks “Just wondering, if things don’t work out will we be able to get a divorce?”
With a stern look in his eye, Peter blurts out “Look lady, it took me a month to find a preacher up here… you really think I’m gonna find a lawyer?”

117. While visiting England, George W. Bush is invited to tea with the Queen. In conversation, he asks her what her leadership philosophy is. She says she surround sherself with intelligent people, which helps her to make wise decisions. He asks how she knows if the people around her are intelligent. “I do so by asking them the right questions,” says the Queen.
“Allow me to demonstrate.” She phones Tony Blair and asks, “Mr. Prime Minister. Please answer this question: Your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or sister. Who is it?”
Tony Blair responds, “It’s me, ma’am.”
“Correct. Thank you and good-bye, sir,” says the Queen. She hangs up and says, “Did you get that, Mr. Bush?”
“Yes ma’am. Thanks a lot. I’ll definitely be using that!”
Upon returning to Washington, he decides he’d better put the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to the test. He summons Jesse Helms to the White House and says, “Senator Helms, I wonder if you can answer a question for me.”
“Why, of course, sir. What’s on your mind?”
“Umm, so like… your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?”
Helms onders the question for several minutes and finally asks, “Can I think about it and get back to you?” Bush agrees, and Helms leaves. He immediately calls a meeting with the other senior senators and they puzzle over the question for several hours but nobody can come up with an answer. Finally, in desperation, Helms calls Colin Powell at the State Department and explains his problem.
“Now look here Mr. Powell, your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother, or your sister. Who is it?” Colin answers immediately, “It’s me of course, you dumb ass.”
Much relieved, Helms rushes back to the White House and exclaims, “I know the answer, sir! I know who it is! It’s Colin Powell!” And Bush replies in disgust, “Wrong you dumb ass, It’s Tony Blair!”

118. A blonde and red head are walking in the woods when then red head has a heart attack and falls to the ground. Shocked, the blonde takes out her phone and calls the police and she shouts, "I think my friend is dead what do I do?". The policeman on the phone says, "Calm down and listen to me. First make sure that he really is dead." There is a silence. Then a loud gunshot. The blonde gets back on the phone and says, "Okay, now what?"

119. A cowboy named Bud was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in California when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust.
The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, Will you give me a calf?"
Bud looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, Why not?"
The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.
The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg , Germany.
Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response.
Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer, turns to the cowboy and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves."
"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says Bud.
He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.
Then Bud says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?"
The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?"
"You're a Congressman for the U.S. Government", says Bud.
"Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"
"No guessing required." answered the cowboy. "You showed up here even though nobody called you. You want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of dollars worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are, and you don't know a thing about how working people make a living, or about cows for that matter. This is a herd of sheep.
Now give me back my dog.

120.  Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. 

Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet. 

121. To the optimist, the glass is half-full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. 

122. A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed, "What's with those guys? We must have been waiting for fifteen minutes!"
The doctor chimed in, "I don't know, but I've never seen such inept golf!"
The priest said, "Here comes the green-keeper. Let's have a word with him."
He said, "Hello George, what's wrong with that group ahead of us? They're rather slow, aren't they?"
The green-keeper replied, "Oh, yes. That's a group of blind firemen. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime."
The group fell silent for a moment.
The priest said, "That's so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight."
The doctor said, "Good idea. I'm going to contact my ophthalmologist colleague and see if there's anything he can do for them."
The engineer said, "Why can't they play at night?" 

123. What is the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers?
Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets. 

124. The graduate with a science degree asks, "Why does it work?"
The graduate with an engineering degree asks, "How does it work?"
The graduate with an accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?"
The graduate with an arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?" 

125. Three engineering students were gathered together discussing who must have designed the human body.
One said, "It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints."
Another said, "No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections."
The last one said, "No, actually it had to have been a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?" 

126. Knock knock. Who's there? Interrupting coefficient of friction. Interrupting coefficient of fri.... mmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (μ)

127. Two engineering students were walking across a university campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?"
The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want."
The first engineer nodded approvingly and said, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyway." 

128. An engineer was crossing a road one day, when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess." He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.
The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you for one week and do ANYTHING you want."
Again, the engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.
Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess and that I'll stay with you for one week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?"
The engineer said, "Look, I'm an engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog, now that's cool."

129. A wife asks her husband, a software engineer...
"Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6!" A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk. The wife asks him, "Why the hell did you buy 6 cartons of milk?" He replied, "They had eggs."

130. There was a preacher who was an avid golfer. Every chance that he could get, he could be found on the golf course swinging away.
On one particular Sunday it turned out to be a picture perfect day for golfing. The sun was shining, the temperature was just right and there was very little wind. The preacher was in a quandary and wasn't sure what to golf or give the Sunday service. The urge to play golf overcame him and he called in his assistant to take care of the Sunday service for him. The preacher packed up his car and drove 3 hours to a course where no one would recognize him.
An angel above was watching the preacher and was quite perturbed. The angel went to God and said, "look at the preacher. He should punished for what he is doing." God nodded in agreement.
All alone but enjoying it immensely, the preacher teed up on the first hole. He swung at the ball and hit a perfect drive. The ball ripped through the still air straight as an arrow and 400 yards later it landed the green where it gently rolled into the cup. A tremendous hole in one!
The preacher was amazed and excited. The angel was in shock. The angel turned to God and said, "Begging your pardon, but I thought that you were going to punish him?"
God smiled and said, "I did....think about it....who can he tell about this?"

131. t's that time of year to take our annual senior citizen test. Exercising the brain is as important as exercising muscles. As we grow older, it's important to keep mentally alert. If you don't use it, you lose it! Below is a very private way to gauge your loss or non-loss of intelligence.
Take the test presented here to determine if you're losing it or not. The spaces below are so you don't see the answers until you've made your answer. OK, relax, clear your mind and begin.
1. What do you put in a toaster?
Answer: "bread." If you said "toast," give up now and do something else. Try not to hurt yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question 2.
2. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk"
What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," don't attempt the next question. Your brain is over-stressed and may even overheat. Content yourself with reading a more appropriate literature such as Auto World. However, if you said "water", proceed to question 3.
3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks , what is a green house made from?
Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said "green bricks," why the heck are you still reading these??? If you said "glass," go on to Question 4.
4. It's twenty years ago, and a plane is flying at 20,000 feet over Germany (If you will recall, Germany at the time was politically divided into West Germany and East Germany .) Anyway, during the flight, two engines fail. The pilot, realizing that the last remaining engine is also failing, decides on a crash landing procedure. Unfortunately the engine fails before he can do so and the plane fatally crashes smack in the middle of "no man's land" between East Germany and West Germany . Where would you bury the survivors? East Germany , West Germany , or no man's land"?
Answer: You don't bury survivors.
If you said ANYTHING else, you're a dunce and you must stop. If you said, "You don't bury survivors", proceed to the next question.
5. Without using a calculator - You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in Wales . In London , 17 people get on the bus. In Reading , six people get off the bus and nine people get on. In Swindon, two people get off and four get on. In Cardiff, 11 people get off and 16 people get on . In Swansea , three people get off and five people get on. In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on. You then arrive at Milford Haven. What was the name of the bus driver?
Answer: Oh, for crying out loud!
Don't you remember your own name? It was YOU!! Now pass this along to all your friends and pray they do better than you.
PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!!

132. The manager of a liquor store gets a midnight phone call at home:
- Hello!
- At what time does the store open?
- At ten o'clock sir.
At two in the morning, the phone rings again:
- Ya (burp), at what time does, euh, the store open?
Again, at four, the phone rings:
- HELLO!!!
- Ya, euh, (burp), at ...time, euh, does the euh store open?
- At ten in the morning sir, but I am not sure that, since you are so drunk, I will let you in.
- I (burp) don't want, euh, to get in, euh, I want to get out!

133. Two fellas are fishing in a boat under a bridge.
One looks up and sees a funeral procession starting across the bridge.
He stands up, takes off his cap, and bows his head.
The procession crosses the bridge and the man puts on his cap, picks up his rod and reel, and continues fishing.
The other guy says, "That was touching. I didn't know you had it in you."
The first guy responds, "Well, I guess it was the thing to do - after all, I was married to her for 40 years."

134. A mother and father took their 6-year-old son to a nude beach. As the boy walked along the beach, he noticed that some of the ladies had b**bs bigger than his mother’s, and asked her why.
The mother told her son, “The bigger they are the dumber that person is.”
Satisfied with the answer, the boy left to play in the ocean, but returned to tell his mother that many of the men have larger “pee-pees” than his dad.
His mother explained, “The bigger they are the dumber that person is.”
Again, satisfied with the answer, the boy returned to the ocean to play.
Shortly after, the boy returned again, promptly informing his mother, “Daddy is talking to the dumbest girl on the beach, and the longer he talks, the dumber he gets!”

136. A guy asked his friend Steve, a notorious ladies' man, how he satisfies women.
"I just slam my penis on the dresser until it is numb - and then I can go for hours," bragged Steve. 
That night the guy slammed his dick on the dresser while his wife was in the bathroom.
"Steve," she called out, "is that you?"

137. Harry and his wife are having hard financial times, so they decide she’ll become a hooker. She’s not quite sure what to do, so Harry says, “Stand in front of that bar and pick up a guy. Tell him a hundred bucks. If you've got a question, I’ll be parked around the corner.”
She’s there for five minutes when a guy pulls up and says, “How much?”
“A hundred dollars.”
“Damn. All I've got is thirty.”
“Hold on,” she says and runs back to Harry.
What can he get for thirty dollars?”
“A handjob,” Harry replies.
She runs back and tells the guy all he gets for thirty dollars is a handjob. He says okay, she gets in the car, he unzips his pants, and out pops a HUGE cock. She stares at it for a minute, and then says, “I’ll be right back.”
She runs back around the corner and says breathlessly, “Harry, can you loan this guy seventy bucks?”

138. A man calls home to his wife and says, "Honey I have been asked to go fishing at a big lake up in Canada with my boss and several of his friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting so would you please pack me enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and tackle box.
We're leaving from the office and I will swing by the house to pick my things up. Oh! Please pack my new blue silk pajamas."
The wife thinks this sounds a little fishy but being a good wife she does exactly what her husband asked. The following weekend he comes home a little tired but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish? He says, "Yes!
Lot's of Walleye, some Bluegill, and a few Pike. But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to do?"
"I did, they're in your tackle box."

139. Miss Beatrice, The church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married.
She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea. As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the young minister noticed a cute glass bowl sitting on top of it.
The bowl was filled with water, and in the water floated, of all things, a condom!
When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat..
The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist.
'Miss Beatrice', he said, 'I wonder if you would tell me about this?' pointing to the bowl.
'Oh, yes,' she replied, 'Isn't it wonderful? I was walking through the park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground. The directions said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease. Do you know I haven't had the flu all winter.'

 140. A young newlywed couple wanted to join a church. The pastor told them, "We have special requirements for new parishioners. You must abstain from having sex for two weeks." The couple agreed and came back at the end of two weeks.
The pastor asked them, "Well, were you able to get through the two weeks without being intimate?"
"Pastor, I'm afraid we were not able to go without sex for the two weeks," the young man replied.
"What happened?" inquired the pastor.
"My wife was reaching for a can of corn on the top shelf and dropped it. When she bent over to pick it up, I was over come with lust and took advantage of her right there."
"You understand, of course, that this means you will not be welcome in our church," stated the pastor.
"That's okay," said the young man. "We're not welcome at the grocery store anymore either."

141. Krisjan: "Goeie more. Maak vol met Super, asseblief."
Attendant: "How much?"
Krisjan: "Vol asseblief."
Attendant: "I only speak English Sir!"
Krisjan: "Noooo problem..... Good day to you, Sir. I currently feel a profound desire to replenish the propellant of my motorized vehicle. Therefore, I cordially request you to transfer, from your subterranean reservoir, a sufficient quantity of combustible fluid of the highest octane rating to fill the appropriate receptacle of the said means of perambulation to the brim."
Attendant: "Hau!" ?
Krisjan: "Do you have a problem Sir? I thought you said you spoke English?"
Attendant: "English..... that? she is not English!"
Krisjan: "My dear Sir, are you veritably attempting to insinuate that you do not even recognize the language which you allege to be your singular means of communication?"
Attendant: "Hau?"
Krisjan: "Let me attempt to elucidate in the most elementary terms your paltry grasp of the English vernacular is frittering away the time at my disposal, or, as I would put it, in a more civilized, intelligible language....
Dit is fokken duidelik dat jy FOkkOL van Engels weet. So, kry jou slapgat in rat en maak hierdie bliksemse kar se tank vol voordat ek hier uitklim en jou moer, want jy mors my donnerse tyd!!!!!!!!! Verstaan jy nou?!!"
Attendant: "Ja,Meneer. Vol, Meneer! Afrikaans is beter, Meneer!"

142. The following questions were set in last year's GED examination 
These are genuine answers (from 16 year olds)............and they WILL breed.

Q. Name the four seasons
A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar

Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink
A. Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large  pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists

Q. How is dew formed
A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire

Q. What causes the tides in the oceans
A. The tides are a fight between the earth and the moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins the fight

Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on
A. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed

Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections
A. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election

Q. What are steroids
A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs             

Q.. What happens to your body as you age
A. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental

Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty
A. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery           

Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes
A. Premature death

Q. What is artificial insemination
A. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow

Q. How can you delay milk turning sour
A. Keep it in the cow                                 

Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorised (e.g. The abdomen)
A. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A, E, I, O, U..                                                              

Q. What is the fibula?
A. A small lie

Q. What does 'varicose' mean?
A. Nearby

Q. What is the most common form of birth control
A. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium           

Q. Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarean section'
A. The caesarean section is a district in Rome

Q. What is a seizure?
A. A Roman Emperor.              

Q. What is a terminal illness
A. When you are sick at the airport.          

Q. Give an example of a fungus. What is a characteristic feature?
A. Mushrooms. They always grow in damp places and they look like umbrellas

Q. Use the word 'judicious' in a sentence to show you understand its meaning
A. Hands that judicious can be soft as your face.           

Q. What does the word 'benign' mean?
A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight  

Q. What is a turbine?
A. Something an Arab or Shreik wears on his head 

143. Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about
eleven things they did not and will not learn in school.

Rule 1:  Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2:  The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3:  You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4:  If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5:  Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: They called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7:  Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now.  They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were: So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation,
try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8:  Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT.  In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer.

Rule 9:  Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers
are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF.

Rule 10:  Television is NOT real life. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11:  Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

144. Levels Of Stress

You pick up a hitchhiker...   A beautiful girl.
Suddenly she faints inside your car and you take her to the hospital.
Now that's stressful.

But at the hospital, they say she is pregnant &
Congratulate you that you're going to be a father.
You say that you are not the father, but the girl says you are.
This is getting very stressful!

You request a DNA test to prove that you are not the father.
After the tests are completed,
The doctor says the test shows you're infertile,
And probably have been since birth.
You're extremely stressed but relieved.

On your way back home, you think about your 5 kids at home.


145. While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old South African farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually the topic got around to Zuma and his role as our president.
The old farmer said, 'Well, ya know, Zuma is a "Post Turtle''.
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a 'post turtle' was.
The old farmer said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.

The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with."



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