Africa - Running Upwards on
a Downward Escalator
Address to the Economic Development Convention
Stes de Necker
1. Protocol
2. Introduction
The well known Dr. Clem Sunter, once said: “We live in a
world that is constantly evolving, and yet within this evolution, history seems
intent on repeating itself. This paradox has been driven by our continued use
of history as a source of experience to improve ourselves, but also by our
remarkable refusal at times to learn from it.” (“The World and South
Africa in the 2010’s”)
Away from the resources and energy of the main agricultural producing
areas in Africa, polite political expressions of loyalty, poor service delivery
and sheer incompetence seems to be the order of the day.
Already in 2004 it was evident in South Africa that poorly
developed agricultural development policies could not achieve their socio-
economic objectives.
Uncoordinated and sometimes haphazard funding of agricultural
development projects sadly failed to achieve the economic growth so desperately
needed in this sector of the economy.
These unsuccessful policies, coupled with the increased economic demands
on the agricultural sector, resulted in failed land reform and agriculture
related development projects throughout South Africa.
Numerous once productive and vibrant farming enterprises are currently
little more than unproductive wasteland.
The biggest threat to food security in South Africa, and the
rest of Africa, is the current exodus of farmers from the agricultural
sector due to economic pressures.
During the period 2000 to 2009, 175,000 farm workers in South
Africa lost their jobs as a result of farming enterprises closing down.
South Africa is strewn with examples of failed land reform projects
for agricultural development.
Nowhere in modern history have governments been able to conduct farming
operations economically and sustainably within the confines of rigid
governmental policies and statutory regulations.
Communist Russia, Cuba and recently Zimbabwe, are
prime examples of this incapacity of Governments to intervene in Agricultural
production. So also have numerous regimes in the rest
of Africa, failed to effectively produce food for their citizens.
With the best intentions in the world, present policies
of Governments throughout Africa , mentorships, NGO’s and numerous
commodity organizations, have at best only succeeded in the establishment of a
few subsistence farming operations.
These efforts are doomed to failure unless a long term remedy can be
found to stop the continuous decline in economically viable agricultural
production throughout Africa.
3. The Agricultural Sector in the Free State Province of South Africa
Let’s look at the Agricultural Sector in general, as measured in terms of key economic indicators – Starting in our own
In the Free State, the Agricultural Sector’s contribution to the Gross
National Product {measured in terms of GGP} has declined steadily between 1981
and 1994 and again between 2000 to 2004; in 1991 and again in 1994, the sector
actually showed negative growth.
In 2002, approximately R 600 million direct investment in agriculture
was needed simply to stabilize the declining agricultural contribution, while a
further R110 million would have been needed to effect a 2% growth in the sector
Nothing was done about this problem, even up to today.
4. The Agricultural Sector in South Africa
What is the situation in South Africa?
As a result of fairly stable government and disciplined macro-economic
policies, South Africa has managed, in general, to remain part of the
international mainstream economy from 1994 to around 2007.
After 2007, efficiency in terms of government service delivery, increased productivity and
economically productive investment, declined rapidly. New innovative policies and drastic intervention became critically necessary if South Africa wish to remain part of the international mainstream.
By the year 2025, South Africa will have a total population of
approximately 83.4 million people. This means that South African commercial
agriculture will have to produce 57.05% more food to feed this additional
At the same time the South African Government will require an additional
1,8 Mil. hectares of land within the next fourteen years to provide only
housing for its natural population growth.
At an urbanization rate of 7.5% per annum, on average, 1, 7 Mill. people
will migrate to South Africa's cities.
This means that a further 500, 000 hectares of land will be required for
urbanisation-migration purposes.
To wipe out the current housing backlog in South Africa, an
additional 604, 000 hectares are required.
These requirements amount to a staggering 2, 8 Mill. hectares of
currently agricultural productive land, which will no longer be
available for agricultural production.
By 2025, South African farmers will accordingly have to produce 57.05%
more food, on almost 3 mill. hectares less arable soil !
Making the situation even worse, is the fact that since 1994, more than
25, 000 farmers left the agricultural industry due to economic pressures in
this industry.
5. The Agricultural Sector in the rest of Africa
In the rest of Africa, the situation is even worse.
Zimbabwe has suffered badly with approximately 2 million rural
people now in urgent need of food assistance.
Poor rains, structural challenges and consecutive years of drought, have
caused the country’s farmers to struggle for more than a decade.
In 2010 the drought was catastrophic.
Maize production was down 33 per cent and almost half of all that was
planted had to be written off.
The outlook worsened in 2011 as incessant and unprecedented rain
triggered devastating floods, and a plague of crop-eating caterpillars
descended on the main farming provinces.
If we look at vegetable production in Tanzania, there is not a
single business that is producing high-quality, reliable vegetables for the
domestic economy.
You have a growing hospitality industry and a growing middle class that
has no access to vegetables other than the
low grade vegetables provided by smallholder farmers.
Looking at primary agriculture, most of Africa is still
dominated by smallholder farmers.
So while there are many laudable initiatives to support such farmers,
these initiatives could not generated sufficient capital inflow into
the agricultural sector, because there simply is not enough economically
viable farming operations, to support real economic growth.
In Africa some 900 million people, that’s 90 percent of the total
population, work in the agricultural sector, while every year one in eight
people of the world’s population doesn’t have enough to eat.
Most of those who are going hungry live in South Asia and
Sub-Saharan Africa.
Conditions are lacking for farmers which would make it possible for them
not only to fulfil their own needs but also to produce a surplus for exporting.
In Ethiopia for example, nearly 85 percent of the country’s 90
million people live from the land, but Ethiopia’s authoritarian government
still bans private land ownership.
Industrialization in Africa is not possible without agriculture.
It is not about playing industrialization off against agriculture, but
rather that the one cannot exist without the other.
Industrialization in Africa must be promoted to ensure that Ivorian
cocoa beans are processed in Abidjan rather than Hamburg
That South African wool is processed in South Africa rather
than Germany also;
In Cameroon, tonnes of vegetables are exported and then canned
in France.
Why can’t the vegetables be processed and canned in Africa?
To quote Dr. Clem Sunter again: “The question today is not
to be or not to be, but rather to do or not to do”.
6. The Macro Socio-Economic Environment
At the macro level (Internationally), there are a number of
socio-economic variables and uncertainties that will play a vital role in the
re-shaping of Africa’s Agricultural Development.
The main factors are the following:
1. Whether or not the
issue of land ownership can be resolved peacefully and productively.
Productive land
reform as compared to “political land reform” implies in the
very first instance that land reform should primarily be focused on the
retention of economically viable and sustainable agricultural production.
Establishing numerous
isolated unproductive and economically non viable farming entities is a sure
recipe for failure.
competitiveness in the international market will increasingly be driven by
economies of scale, which can hardly be obtained by individual operations.
2. Closely following the
aforementioned, is the question whether or not Africa will be in a position to
timeously secure a competitive edge in the global economy, which itself is
becoming increasingly competitive. Current inadequacies
in Africa’s infrastructure, particularly related to the supply of electricity,
road and rail transport and health facilities, must be solved in a way that does
not limit economic growth.
3. Whether or not crime
and corruption can be reduced to an acceptable level. (That is, if there is
something like an acceptable level for crime!)
4. Whether or not South
Africa can remain the generally peaceful society it has been since
1994, given the conflict situation in Africa which has resulted mainly, from political
instability and personal interest.
2. Whether the HIV/Aids
pandemic, which is currently draining Africa of its much required recourses,
can be stopped and ultimately eradicated.
3. Whether or not the
critical skills deficit, which is commonplace in most African economies, can be
overcome and whether Africa can improve the quality of its education system, to
suit the current skills requirements.
4. Whether or
not Zimbabwe, as one of the main role players in Africa, can rise from the
current political abyss it finds itself in.
5. Whether or not we can
succeed in bringing the current unacceptable rate of inflation back to
acceptable levels.
6. When considering
measures to curb rising inflation, one needs to distinguish between two types
of inflation namely, “demand inflation” and “cost inflation”.
7. SA is currently
experiencing predominantly cost inflation caused by ever
rising energy and fuel costs over which the consumer have little or no control.
These increases in turn result in increases of other commodity prices, including
8. The oil price. It is estimated
that should the oil price reaches $190 US per barrel, the domestic price of
maize would increase to well over R 5000 per ton, compared to its current level
of around R 2200 per ton.
Such increases hold
disastrous consequences for SA ... and this is no urban legend.
These are hard facts.
7. Primary Prerequisites for Successful Agricultural Development in Africa
Creative and effective participation in the global economy, by all
farmers in the agricultural sector in Africa, requires an entirely different
mindset – a mindset that dares to be less governmental, that challenges
conventional development policies and foster competitive regional and global
There is little space left in Africa for mediocre economic
activities and peace meal handouts to satisfy the needs of the masses.
Constant rising input costs i.e. fuel, fertilizer, pesticides and
labour, with the accompanying inability of most farmers to maximize revenue in
the market place, have forced many farmers off their land.
Furthermore, the majority of farmers, especially emerging and small to
medium range operations, seem to be unable to stay abreast of modern scientific
methodology and technology, due mainly to financial constraints and inadequate
support structures.
Countries like Brazil,
the Ukraine and China have largely converted to new
generation fuel efficient tractors and farming equipment.
Combined with modern production methods i.e. scientific minimum tillage,
water harvesting techniques and precision farming techniques, this change-over
not only made it possible for many established farmers to survive the
international economic pressures, but also to increase their production and
In South Africa the only remaining successful farmers, are
those who are applying modern scientific methodologies and technologies in
order to ensure their eventual success and survival.
These modern practices have resulted in what is known as the seven rules
for successful farming i.e.
1. Good productive land
2. Modern technology and equipment
3. Knowledge of scientific farming practices and methodology
4. Modern financing methods
5. Modern insurance methods to counter the impact of unforeseen
6. Optimal reduction in input cost
7. Optimal marketing strategies to maximize revenue
Farmers in traditional rural communities, as well as newly
established emergent farmers, throughout Africa, are commonly in command of
only the first of these vital elements i.e. being in possession of, or have
access to, good productive land.
Small to medium range operations {i.e. existing smaller farming
enterprises} on the other hand, may at best be in command of three, at best
four of the above mentioned elements, while only the few really successful
commercial farmers will be in command of all seven.
Measured against the above mentioned vital elements for Agricultural
success, it is not
difficult to understand why most land reform projects in SA have not
been successful.
All attempts to rectify the current ills in the industry, without
attempting to re-invent the wheel, will not succeed unless recipients of land
reform projects and small to medium range farming operations have, or have
access to, the means to apply all seven of the aforementioned
8. The Agricultural Illness.
Agriculture, throughout
Africa, is terminally ill!
It suffers from a condition which I call - AGRICULTURE-ITES
The famous heart specialist, the late Prof. Chris Barnard, once said
that the one thing he learned in medical science is that most diseases or
ailments will progressively degenerate until it reaches a certain point where
curative treatment is no longer possible.
A certain "point of no return".
Once the degeneration has passed this limit, then all that remains is
death of the patient or drastic intervention to operate and remove the affected
body part.
For example, a hole in someone’s tooth can be filled, but once the rot
became too much, then all that remains is to remove the tooth.
The current situation in Africa is certainly ideally comparable to
Prof. Barnard's theory.
The question is: Can Africa still be cured?
Is the situation still treatable, or are we already past the point of no
Contrary to popular belief, the socio-economic outlook for Africa
looks grim.
If this continent was a human patient, it would have been admitted to an
intensive care unit long ago!
How is it possible that thousands of foreign visitors, who
visited South Africa a decade ago, are avoiding this country totally
How is it possible that so many foreign investors, who a decade ago, was
still so excited to invest in South Africa, took their investments
How is it possible that peaceful marches and protest demonstrations can
nowadays, within the space of minutes, degenerate into violence and mayhem.
Since 1994 the current government could not manage to grow South
Africa's economy by more than 3.5% pa. At this rate of growth there exists no
possibility to solve the unemployment problem, which lies at the root of most
other socio-economic disorders.
Distribution of income between rich and poor is much more un-even than
in 1994; the country's food supply has drastically decreased; real inflation
has soared, and South Africa has one of the world's highest unemployment
9. Holistic Approach
Patchwork, whenever trouble arises, will not solve the problem.
On the contrary, it only gives those radicals who want to overthrow the
existing order, more power in their quest for revolution.
Forced economic adjustments, uncoordinated adjustments in the education
system, opportunist changes to agricultural policy and a host of other
“patch works” only aggravate the situation even more!
Changes in government policies throughout Africa are drastically needed
to restore this situation.
South Africa is the most modern economy on the African
Continent, and we have already established ourselves as the gateway to the rest
of Africa for most overseas businesses wishing to invest in Africa.
Retaining this position will however require the speedy development of major reliable
and economically viable business ventures.
Reform must start in South Africa ... and it must start soon.
If South Africa is to lose further ground in competing in the
international economic arena, it would most certainly join the likes of
Zimbabwe, Myanmar, North Korea and Somalia as the failed states of the recent
world order.
South Africa faces real and possible ejection from the first world
economy to a position of a typical third world economy. And this can happen
very quickly.
Kenya is a good example of how quickly such economic decline can
10. Where to Start
You may very well ask me.... so what must we do? Where
must we start?
I believe that the answer lies in what I want to call, SPECIALISED
Cooperative farming must not be confused with communal farming systems being practised in certain parts of the world. The well known Kibbutz system practised in Israel is a form of communal farming, where a number of individuals share responsibilities in a single farming operation.
Cooperative Farming differs considerably from communal farming in the sense that separate farming operations, jointly, form a cooperative, each with its own responsibility within a chain of agricultural production.
The concept of cooperative farming, originated primarily in New Zealand in the late 1980’s, when the then Government of New Zealand virtually handed political power over to the opposition in the 1986 election.
At that stage, NZ was for all intense and purpose bankrupt, and the newly elected government inherited an economically devastated society. Many civil servants were retrenched and serious cutbacks in the country’s national budget had to be effected.
Not being in a the fiscal position to effectively support the New Zealand agricultural sector any more, organised agriculture approached the NZ Government with the proposal that should the government relinquish all unnecessary controls over the agricultural sector, the farming community of NZ will organise and regulate themselves in a system, which they believe, can restore the economic decline in the agricultural industry. The only government support they required, was for the NZ Government to protect the agricultural sector against foreign economic threads like dumping, subsidisation, restrictive exchange controls etc.
Up to 1986, New Zealand used to be a nett importer of basic agricultural produce, Millions of Rands of dairy products, meat, poultry and grain were imported from South Africa at the time.
The NZ farmers came to agreement to work together in a system of specialised cooperative farming, where each farming enterprise undertook to specialise in a particular faset of the agricultural process.
In dairy farming, the system of specialised cooperative farming required that a farmer whose farming operation is best suited for pasture development, will revert to the establishment of, exclusively, pasture grazing, while a second farmer who may be better equipped for animal husbandry, will concentrate on rearing the most productive cows for milk production.
A third entity, separate from both the above, will concentrate on the most scientific milking practices and systems as well as the distribution of fresh milk and value adding. This meant that all three operations could be shared by three distinct farming enterprises, each one with its own identity and responsibility.
This system made it possible that the cattle owner, scientifically breed and develop his cow stock, allow it to graze on the pasture owner’s lands, which in turn was scientifically developed by the pasture owner to render optimal growth and nutritional value, and have the cows milked at the milking facility, which specialises in best practice milking procedures and fresh milk distribution.
A fourth, value adding component, who specialises in secondary dairy manufacturing like for instance powdered milk, yoghurt, cheese, butter etc. is responsible for this function in the value adding chain.
The same principles were also applied in beef and poultry production, where the livestock owner, grazing pasture/ broiler facility owner, abattoir, and meat/egg processing facility, each operated as a separate profit centre.
Also in cash cropping and vegetable farming, the land owner from whom the fields are rented, the owner of the tractors and implements required for crop production, the crop owner, milling and distribution and secondary food production such as vegetable oils, margarine, cereals etc. all functioned as separate profit centres.
This system of specialised cooperative farming enabled the NZ agricultural industry to move, in a period of no less than fifteen years, from a position of nett importer to nett exporter of agricultural produce.
Communal farming is nothing new to the African people and in most Africa regions, communal farming is the accepted rule rather than the exception.
All is not gloom and doom
All is not gloom and doom
The good news is that there is hope!
If we do ‘WHAT IS RIGHT’ Africa can become the Kitchen of the World.
With the assistance of visionaries, Africa can be the Phoenix of the world. The bird
that rose from the ashes.
With the necessary political will and with the
knowledge and skills that we have at our disposal, we can lay the necessary
foundation for Economic success in Africa.
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