
Wednesday, 23 January 2019



Stes de Necker

The Iranian Penal Code came into effect in 1991 and is the codification of several different pieces of legislation that addresses punishment for criminal conduct.

The code comprises 729 articles and is divided into five “books” or main sections that deal with general penal provisions and four specific categories of punishments referenced in shari’a law.

These categories include:

a) hadd or hodud (pl.), defined as “crimes against God,” the punishments for which, including degree, type and implementation, are specified in shari’a law ;

b) qesas, retributive justice reserved for crimes that cause death or injury, such as murder ( “retribution crimes”);

c) diyeh, monetary fine or compensation to victims in the form of “bloody money” for unintentional acts that cause death or injury or for intentional crimes not covered by qesas (“compensation crimes”); and

d) ta’zir, or punishments for criminal acts that do not have specific or fixed sentences or penalties under sharia law but are considered to be in conflict with religious or state interests (“discretionary crimes”).

Under the leadership of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder and first Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, lawmakers drafted a constitution that declared the Jafari or Twelver Shia school of jurisprudence the official state religion and shari’a law as a source of applicable law.

While the current penal code claims to have made some advances in Iranian Law, the Law continues to deprive Iranians of their basic rights under international law to fundamental freedoms, freedom from cruel and arbitrary punishment, and freedom from discrimination.

The penal code includes a specific provision that explicitly empowers judges to rely on religious sources where crimes or punishments are not specified in the penal code. The code fully retains Iran’s overly broad and vaguely worded national security laws under which authorities can prosecute, convict, and sentence political dissidents and others exercising their basic rights to freedom of speech, assembly, association, and religion. The new code also disturbingly expands the definition of another vaguely worded crime, efsad-e fel arz, or “sowing corruption on earth”, which authorities have often used to sentence political dissidents and anti-government critics to death.

The question is: What will happen to Iran if it is to be judged by its own laws?

A cleric regime guilty of the most heinous crimes such as:

Corruption, theft, terrorism, torture, murder, intimidation, lying, self enrichment and threatening world peace.

By their own laws Iran’s leaders should be incarcerated, hanged, stoned, blinded, dismembered and stoned!



Stes de Necker

The drums of war against Iran are being beaten louder every day and the question is, when will the Trump administration strike Iran? The administration has been demonizing Iran as the greatest threat to Israel and the entire world.

The writing on the wall couldn’t be clearer. John Bolton, National Security Advisor to the White House, has asked the Pentagon some time ago to provide the White House with military options to strike Iran, generating concern at the Pentagon and State Department.

Bolton was a strong proponent of pulling out of the Obama administration-era deal in which Iran agreed to pause its nuclear weapons program in exchange for a reduction in sanctions.

Bolton has long believed a U.S. confrontation with Iran is both inevitable and desirable. In 2015, he authored a New York Times op-ed whose title, "To Stop Iran's Bomb, Bomb Iran," said it all. He has urged that "regime change" in Iran be made a declared goal of U.S. foreign policy.

Bolton furthermore has an ally in Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. In Cairo, few days ago, Pompeo declared it U.S. policy "to expel every last Iranian boot" from Syria.

Pompeo's sole purpose during his tour of the Middle East was to build a new Middle East Strategic Alliance, a MESA, an Arab NATO, whose members are to be Egypt, Jordan and the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Pompeo has also called for a conclave in Poland in February to bring together an anti-Iran alliance to discuss what is to be done about what he calls "our common enemy."

It’s worth noting that no one knows if Bolton has advocated openly for a strike on Iran since entering the White House. He’s clearly had the chance, not only with the attacks in Iraq but also as Iran continues to operate in Syria.

Israel, though, regularly attacks Iranian targets in Syria — something Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted for the first time on Sunday 13 January 2019.

Asked last September (2019) about the attacks on American targets in Iraq, Pompeo said “Iran will be held accountable for those incidents.”
Pressed if he meant a military option, the secretary responded, “They’re going to be held accountable. ... If they’re responsible for the arming and training of these militias, we’re going to go to the source.”

If Trump is looking for a showdown with Iran that might boost his approval rating in the US, the time to do that is now. As the Robert Mueller winds down its Russia investigation and the Trump government shutdown and the FBI probe is nearing its end, such a showdown might just do for him what Operation Iraqi Freedom did for George W. Bush in 2003.

Now that John Bolton controls the NSC, an imminent confrontation with Iran is most likely.         




Stes de Necker

“The overthrow of this regime inevitably requires a willingness to pay the necessary price, it requires the practice of honesty and sacrifice, it requires an organization and a sturdy political alternative, and it requires the organization of resistance units and an army of liberation.”   (Maryam Rajavi - 30 June 2018)

The US, with the help of its international allies, including Israel, must do everything in its power to provide, at the most opportune moment, arms and know-how to the Iranian people.

The regime, as ruthless as they come, will commit any kind of atrocity if it feels it is in danger.
It would be totally cynical and self-defeating were the US and others to encourage the protesters without planning how they can defend themselves and bring down the regime as the current protests escalate.

To be able to provide these arms, protesters who can bear arms must be identified and contacted, and networks have to be built to supply the arms. These must be tailored to meet the needs of a variegated group of people operating in different environments: urban warfare, hit-and-run ambushes on roads and railway tracks, and hit squads attempting to assassinate regime officials and security personnel in a bid to turn the hunters into the hunted.

In areas inhabited by minorities, such as the Kurds, or the Arabs in the southwest, efforts should be expended to advance to guerrilla operations. Heating up the periphery where these minorities live, will do much to reduce the strain on the urban fighters, who will carry the brunt of the fighting in meeting the most strategic goal of the conflict – taking Tehran.

Iran’s freedom fighters will have to be given intelligence, which imposes the arduous task of making sure both arms and intelligence flows to the genuine opposition rather than into the hands of state agents.

Sanctions are imposing tremendous hardship on the Iranian people but it also drive home the point that the maintenance of the regime is untenable, and the quicker it is removed the quicker there will be relief for the Iranian people.

Such a realization will hopefully bring many to give aid and shelter to the freedom fighters.
At some point, the current sanctions against Iran will have to be intensified by much tougher sanctions to the point of a blockade on the country’s ports or flight zones.

Revolution is all about coalition- building. It was the massive coalition of disparate groups in 1978 that brought down the shah, and only a broad coalition of forces will bring the ayatollahs down.

Moving too early might alienate the conservative and nationalist majority and play into the hands of government propaganda; Moving too slowly facilitates regime efforts to crush the opposition.

Planning and creating the rudimentary network to provide arms and intelligence should have started long ago and if the US and its allies haven’t started yet, it must be done now.

The question of when the US and its allies should begin the flow of arms and intelligence poses the real problem as the revolution grows.

Few entities in the past half-century have caused so much harm and pain as the ayatollah regime and the message must be clear: The regime of the ayatollahs is doomed and must be destroyed.  

Evil must be defeated!

Friday, 11 January 2019



11 January 2019

Dear friends and colleagues

In a recent article which I wrote, “IRAN AFTER THE REVOLUSION – WHAT THEN?” (, I have indicated that, in my opinion, the suppressive clerical regime has lost its right to rule Iran and no longer enjoy any support from the Iranian people or he moderate governments of the Middle Eastern bloc. 

The clerical regime now faces the dire consequences of its incompetent and criminal governance of Iran over the last four decades.

In the face of international isolation and condemnation, economic collapse and financial bankruptcy, the clerical regime has all but come to the end of their reign of terror in Iran.

I also said that, if the West’s, and for that matter the rest of the free world’s interest in a free and democratic Iran, reaches only the promotion of failure in a post-oppressed Iran, the whole of the West and the Middle East will be held responsible for the suffering and chaos that will ensue the failing the people of Iran. 

For the people of Iran, who had to survive the brutal prosecution of its people and the socio-economic destruction of their country, the imminent regime collapse could however have far reaching and catastrophic consequences.

Iran’s economy is dominated by companies that are owned, openly or otherwise, by the radical Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Iran government, government officials and political leaders. 

Most banks are owned directly by the state.

The judicial system is dominated by clerics.

And the educational system has been twisted by decades of radical religious ideology.

The largest steel mills are owned by the state-owned National Iranian Steel Group.

The Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company is state owned.

Most municipal authorities are still under the control of the clerical regime.

If the world wants to see a successful free and democratic Iran; an Iran with a different vision of its role and place in the international community; an Iran that can once takes its rightful place in the international economic and political stage, the world better starts thinking about committing themselves to the reconstruction and redevelopment of a post-liberated Iran. 

Vast financial and human resources will be required in every sphere of government and civil society and it will be prudent to start planning and preparing for it well in advance.

After any event even a fool can be wise. But it is not the hindsight of a fool but the foresight of a reasonable person that alone determines responsibility.

I pray that all of you will take up the challenge and step forward and avail yourselves to be of service and assistance in the dawning of a new Iran.

To this end I invite you to join me in the formation of a professional and effective international support group to be known as THE RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT FORUM OF IRAN – RDFI

Your substantial knowledge and expertise can be of great value to assist the Iranian people’s quest for a successful post-liberated Iran.

Your kind co-operation and support will be sincerely appreciated.  

Eagerly awaiting your soonest response by Email to:

Kindest Regards
Stes de Necker.
Int. Dipl. Amb. and Leader of the Iran Liberation Movement (ILM)




Stes de Necker

Iran has been ruled by an oppressive theocratic regime for almost four decades. Since its inception in 1979, the dictatorial mullah regime has become known as a revolutionary regime dedicated to the export of its fundamentalist Islamic ideology, which it brutally and forcefully impose on its own citizens.

Since 1979, millions of Iranians have fallen victim to the relentless prosecution, incarceration, torture and execution of those who dared to criticise the state or to speak out against the ungodly and brutal persecution of the citizens of Iran.

Only by their ruthless intimidation and brutality, and under the guise of their fundamentalist theology, did the regime manage to maintain its political power and the oppression of its political opponents.  

Under a delusional reliance on nationalist sentiment and Middle Eastern regional support, the regime unrelentingly enforced its oppressive policies on the people of Iran for almost forty years.

During this period, not a single sector of civil society escaped their pursuit of nationalisation and political domination.

Corruption and mismanagement by the incompetent mullah government have inevitably led to the economic, social, and infrastructural destruction of Iran.

Throughout 2018 numerous demonstrations and strikes by Iranian workers occurred in almost every city and region in Iran.

The people of Iran had enough and it was only a matter of reaching critical mass for the resistance to spill over in a national revolt.

Iran had a revolution before, and it is busy happening again.

Iranians have changed their ruling regimes on their own terms over the last two centuries and they will do it again in 2019.

The sustained battle against oppression and persecution has enriched and empowered the Iranian people to overcome their internal problems without foreign interventions in Iran’s political affairs.

No longer supported by national sentiment and regional approval, the clerical regime now faces the dire consequences of its incompetent governance of Iran. In the face of international isolation, economic collapse and financial bankruptcy, the clerical regime has come to the end of their reign of terror.

Knowing that their time is up mullahs are currently only trying to postpone the evil day by doing the only thing they know how to do; intimidating, persecuting and torturing their own people.        

Many politicians and government officials are frantically resigning their positions and bailing out of government. After almost four decades of working under the protection of the mullah regime and realizing that the regime can no longer offer them any future security and protection against the anger of the rest of the population, are deserting the clerical regime in a last ditch attempt to cover their own hides.

A few months ago, Javadi Amoli, an influential Shiite cleric in Iran, said: “We should know that considering these difficulties, if the people rise, they will throw us all into the sea. Therefore, you should be vigilant. Many have already escaped the country or have prepared a place to escape but we don’t have a place to escape.”

For the people of Iran, the imminent regime collapse could however have far reaching and catastrophic consequences.

Iran’s economy is dominated by companies that are owned, openly or otherwise, by the radical Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Iran government, government officials and political leaders. 

Most banks are owned directly by the state.

The judicial system is dominated by clerics.

And the educational system has been twisted by decades of radical religious ideology.

The largest steel mills are owned by the state-owned National Iranian Steel Group.

The Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company is state owned.

Most municipal authorities are still under the control of the clerical regime

While the United States and many other Western governments are having lively debates about the merits of sanctions, the isolation of Iran and the demise of the clerical regime, nobody seems to do much thinking about the future reconstruction and development of Iran and its people.

If the people of Iran want a free and democratic Iran to succeed, an Iran with a different vision of its role and place in the international community, they should start thinking about it, planning for it, preparing for it.

Similarly, if the West’s interest in a free and democratic Iran reaches only the promotion of failure in a post-oppressed Iran, the West will be held responsible for the suffering and chaos that will ensue the failing the people of Iran. 

Thursday, 10 January 2019




Stes de Necker

We are living in a society where mediocrity, disruption and anarchy is tolerated and political correctness has completely diminished honesty in almost every sphere of life.

We are witnessing some of the most terrible human rights abuses and crimes against humanity in the Middle East. In Iran people are prosecuted and jailed for speaking out against corruption and the incompetence of the theocratic Mullah’s regime while thousands of ordinary citizens are being persecuted, tortured and executed in the most barbaric ways for so-called offences against the state or the Islamic religion.

Iran has become the main exporter of terrorism in their quest for world domination. Sharia Law, (the law of Islam), is carried out indiscriminately and millions of people must carry the brunt of this theological ideology; while the West can only criticize and have meetings upon meetings but doing very little else to stop these crimes against humanity.  
The question what happened. Why is the West suffering from this lame duck syndrome?

The answer is easy. Western society has gone soft. It is easier to adopt an ‘ostrich mentality’ of burying their heads in the sand and pretend not to see anything, rather than getting involved and do something about it.  

Albert Einstein, the world famous scientist once said: “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

In the West there are today more people living on entitlement programs than ever before in the history of the world. Freedom of speech is only granted as long as what you are saying falls safely within the boundaries of being politically correct. Nearly every branch of government and every lesson in school is taught in a manner that is designed to be “non-offensive”.

Anti-bullying campaigns and even anti-childhood obesity campaigns, are teaching everyone that they are the victims of society rather than holding them personally accountable for their actions.

Mediocrity is rewarded. Both in sport and academic events, everyone expects some kind of award. Today, children are receiving awards for coming in 1st, 2nd, third and even last. This lesson in itself are teaching kids that as long as they ‘participate’ in life, even without much success, that they are deserving of something.

Gone are the days where awards were based on achievements, because society believes that awarding those excelling hurts the self-esteem of those that are not.

The ‘no child must be left behind”, platform spouted by political activists in the United States aimed at improving US schools, which was essentially put in place to try and put all students on a level playing field, has back fired dismally. It has moved accountability from parents to educators and from students to teachers.

Corporal punishment has become a crime and alcoholism and drug abuse are treated as illnesses.

Women are awarded child grants for having babies rather than to work and earn a living and those who don’t want to have children can even now have free legal abortions.

Criminals, even sexual predators are rehabilitated during incarceration. People in jail have so many rights that there are literally tons of people seeking to get arrested so they can get a hot meal, medical attention and even clean clothes.

It has become unethical to call ‘white people’ white, or to call ‘black people’ black, or to refer to people from other countries as ‘foreigners’. In fact, it has become nearly impossible to say anything without it being misconstrued by some sections of society.

So if people have become more civilised in modern times, why are incidents of violent crime, bloodshed, and even war, at all time highs.  If this is modern civilization, then why all this hatred and animosity?

The truth is that notwithstanding how “politically correct” or “civilised advanced” you may be, you will still not appease everyone and you are still going to get your feelings hurt whether you want it or not.
There will always be one person who is better at something than you (or your child). There will always be dangers, no matter how much padding or protective gear we wear. There will always be hatred and there will always be the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’.
Life, as it was in the beginning of time and through the history of evolution, has always beeen a ‘survival of the fittest’ with definitive winners and losers. And each one of us has a choice of being either a winner or a loser.
It's about time that this generation takes a look at itself and actually realizes that it's time to wake up and face the reality of what is happening around them. We are the most pampered generation in history and it is apparent in both our work ethic and our outlook on life. We expect things to be hand delivered to us and we love attention and praise for doing what is required of us.

We are certainly the softest generation in history and it is time we address this issue before it gets out of hand. We have to break old habits that are keeping us down. Sometimes these habits and thoughts were put into our minds by our parents and our society, but we've got to man up and to take initiative before we evolve into a bunch of soft whining babies.

The reasons for becoming a soft society are obvious.


Everything is too convenient for our generation. We understand that our parents wanted to give us the life they never had, but that may just be the problem. We have been pampered from birth in a comfortable bubble where we were over protected from the dangers and the challenges of the world out there.     

It's time we wake up and realize the real world doesn't spoon feed anyone. The world is a rough place and once you’ve left the confines of your parents home, you will have a rude awakening if you think everything is going to be as easy as living at home.


There has never been an attention-thirsty generation quite like ours. From elementary school we had our teachers and parents kissing our asses and rewarding us for every minor thing that we did. Do well in a test, here's a sticker; good report card, parents buys a gift.

This reward system has caused many to seek attention for everything that they do.

This attitude is even carried into the workplace. No task can be done without seeking some sort of reward. Even when people do the tasks that are normally required of them at work or in their everyday lives, people seek recognition.

This mentality needs to be changed as people need to realize that they do not need additional rewards for doing what they are supposed to do. That’s why they got appointed and receive a salary in the first place!   


A big misconception in this generation is the idea that getting rich quick is actually a feasible possibility.  

This great misconception is one of the sad driving forces in today's generation and it is our job to bring a change to this way of thinking. The other sad force is believing that the world owes us a living.  

Becoming successful is going to take time and effort. Nothing comes easy in this world.

If you truly want to become successful, you're going to have to go beyond the call of duty in order to show people that you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

People need to understand that a 9 to 5 mentality is not going to get them anywhere.


This applies to the manner in which people take criticism. It is impossible to give constructive criticism to people in our generation as they all think that they have the answers to everything.

When someone who has been through a certain experience is trying to help you get through a similar one, it is imperative that you listen to him/her. 

Put your ego aside and take good advice.


In a highly competitive world, we are going to get nowhere thinking the world owes us anything.

In order to differentiate yourself from the crowd, you are going to have to show something different in your life and work ethic. 

Know the world is yours, but it doesn't owe you anything.


We have to be one of the most spoilt generations in history. Although we are smart and well skilled, our downfall is that we do not seem to work well in environments where we are not regarded as irreplaceable. 

In addition, people always look for the easy way out. 

No one wants to roll up their sleeves and actually get work done, as they are used to having things served to them. We constantly wait until the last minute to get things done and we always find something more interesting to do than the duties we are obligated to get done.


What happened to all the people who enjoyed being challenged and solving problems?

One of our biggest faults as a group is the way we are easily deterred by obstacles. Instead of facing obstacles with grit and creativity, we let them conquer us.

Many people in our generation see hurdles on the road to success as daunting tasks that cannot be overcome. Instead of getting intimidated, we need to take the proper time and focus to actually circumvent these obstacles if we want to improve ourselves and stop looking for excuses for our failures.

Just because someone has failed at something and they deem it impossible doesn't mean it cannot be done.


There has never been a time where stupidity has been rewarded quite the way it is done in our generation.

It is hard to believe that people can actually get national and international recognition for the dumb things they have done. Even the Nobel Prize Committee now regrets awarding ex US President Obama the Nobel prize.

People in our generation know more what is going on in some television ‘soapy’ than what is actually going on in the world. Most of them are sitting comfortable at home watching a soccer game and drinking their beer than caring about  the fact that the world is on the brink of a third world war.


We have all heard stories that our grandparents and parents have told us of how they used to be physically reprimanded for their transgressions. Nowadays, it's considered child abuse if you lay a hand on your child. Kids end up suing their parents for assault!    

Teachers used to consider a good hiding as a normal form of disciplining a child. Now schools consider ‘time out’ or ‘detention’ as the 'appropritate punishment'. This has to be one of the softest transitions in our generation. Never in the history of this world have children been so bad mannered and undisciplined.

The greatest of rebellion today is trying to be chivalrous and gallant. Chivalry has died and so has being a gentleman in most men. Men are defined by the contents of their wallets and not by the contents of their manners.  


It has come to a point in our society where we have to be extremely cautious what we say because people have become way too sensitive. You cannot speak freely without offending someone or some group these days. More terms have been labelled as offensive in this generation than at any time before.

We live in an era in which you can get prosecuted for using the word ‘homo’ or ‘cripple’.  

If you find yourself getting offended by everything people say, it's time you realize that the problem is with you and not them.

Is this soft society a friendlier, more human place to be – or is it really hurting the generations to come?