
Thursday, 28 February 2013

Skinderbekke en Nuusdraers.

Skinderbekke en Nuusdraers

Die mees verwerplike eienskappe wat daar bestaan

Stes de Necker

Een van die slegste dinge wat met 'n mens kan gebeur is wanneer ander van jou skinder en jy niks daaraan kan doen nie. Elkeen wat al die slagoffer van ’n valse beskuldiging of kwaadwillige skinderstorie was, sal weet hoeveel wroeging en leed dit kan veroorsaak. Daardie gevoel van teleurstelling, gekrenktheid, bitterheid en gramskap teenoor die een wat jou loop en beskinder het. Vernaam nog as so ʼn skinderstorie nie die waarheid is nie; wat nege-en-negentig persent van die tyd die geval is.

Hoe slaan jy die vure dood en hoe verdedig jy jouself? Ons eerste reaksie is gewoonlik om so ’n persoon trompop te loop en presies te laat verstaan wat ons van hom/haar dink. Om so een selfs te vermorsel! Dit maak mos seer wanneer mense stories oor jou loop en vertel. Dit raak aan 'n mens se siel en eergevoel wanneer skindertonge oor jou oordeel. Maar dit is nie net “ander” mense wat van jou skinder nie, selfs jou familie sal van jou skinder. Soms is daar selfs mense wat jou glad nie eers ken wie of wie jy nog nooit in jou lewe ontmoet het nie, wat praat asof hulle jou al jare lank persoonlik ken!

’n Mens wonder hoeveel pyn en hartseer skindertonge al in ander mense se lewens veroorsaak, en hoeveel mense al hierdeur verwoes is.

In die Engelse “The Message” Bybel, Jak.3: 16-18, staan daar:
“Whenever you’re trying to look better than others or get the better of others, things fall apart and everyone ends up at the others’ throats. Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honour.”

So, hoekom doen mense dit dan? Daar kan seker 'n hele klomp redes wees, maar waarskynlik is jaloesie een van die grootstes. Iemand is jaloers oor iemand anders se sukses– oor dit wat die ander persoon al in die lewe bereik en gedoen het – en stuur dan 'n skinderstorie van daardie persoon die wêreld in om hom/haar sleg te laat lyk.

Of kan dit dalk wees dat iemand so bedreig voel deur ’n ander se sukses dat die skinderbek alles sal doen om daardie persoon swart te smeer en te beswadder?

Nog 'n rede is mense wat te min het om te doen, en nou leef en teer hulle op sappige brokkies nuus van ander mense.

Nog 'n rede kan wees dat jy nie na 'n ander se pype wou dans nie, en nou versuur daardie een jou lewe met halwe waarhede en leuens.

Die volgende persoonlike eienskappe gaan gewoonlik ook hand aan hand met ʼn tipiese skinderbek:  
·        Om beter te probeer wees as ander;
·        Om iemand te verkleineer deur te wys hoe goed hy/sy is;
·        Om nie met die mense om hom/haar klaar te kom nie;
·        Om onredelik en baasspelerig te wees;
·        Nie genade vir ander mense te hê nie;
·        Buierig en wisselvallig te wees;
·        Dubbel standaarde te hê en
·        ‘n Tweegesig te wees.

In die apokriewe boek, Die Wysheid van Ben Sirag (Hfst. 28) staan daar: "Vervloek is die skinderbekke en die mense wat uit twee monde praat! Hulle vernietig baie mense wat na vrede strewe. Mense wat hulle oorgee aan skinder, sal nie rus vind nie; hulle sal nooit in rustigheid kan woon nie. As 'n mens iemand met 'n sweep slaan, sit daar 'n merk, maar as jy iemand met jou tong slaan, slaan jy tot op die been! Skinder se juk is van yster, die boeie van koper." 

Skinder en kwaad-pratery is ‘n sonde voor God en diegene wat daarin volhard, leef in rebellie teen die lewende God. In 1 Kor. 5:11 beklemtoon Paulus die noodsaaklikheid om op te tree teen diegene wat liefdeloos en onheilig lewe:
Maar nou skryf ek aan julle om nie om te gaan met iemand wat, al staan hy as ’n broeder bekend, ’n hoereerder is of ’n gierigaard of ’n afgodedienaar of ’n kwaadspreker of ’n dronkaard of ’n rower nie; met so iemand moet julle selfs nie saam eet nie.” 

Mense wat voorgee dat hulle aan Christus behoort maar hulle aan hierdie dade skuldig maak, se getuienis dat hul aan Christus behoort moet dadelik onder verdenking staan, aangesien iemand wat aan Christus behoort, onder die gesag van Christus staan, en sy optrede as getuienis van Christus in sy/haar lewe sal dien.

Selfs die sekulêre staat erken die daad en die skade wat met valse beskuldigings saamgaan en word in die reg as crimen injuria beskryf. Dit kan kortom as kriminele of kwaadwillige (emosionele) aanranding van iemand se reputasie beskryf word.

“Dood en lewe is in die mag van die tong; en elkeen wat dit graag gebruik, sal die vrug daarvan eet.” (Spreuke 18:21) Hierdie is 'n interessante teksvers, en word so baie deur mense aangehaal, maar wat beteken dit werklik? Dit beteken eenvoudig dat ons met ons tonge fisies dood of lewe kan spreek oor iemand of 'n saak. En “dood spreek”, sluit ook gewone menslike skinder in!

In die middel eeue kon mense, wanneer hulle nie van 'n persoon gehou het nie, hom/haar brandmerk as 'n heks en so een dan op 'n brandstapel verbrand. Vandag vernietig skindertonge mense se karakter en eerbaarheid en lewens op die brandstapels van hulle vurige tonge. 

Voordat jy weer iemand beskinder of beswadder, dink net eers aan die skade wat jy aan daardie persoon kan doen. Dink net eers aan die pyn wat jy veroorsaak.

Aan diegene wat al slagoffers van ’n ander se swartsmeerdery of kwaadpratery was of tans is, onthou altyd God se vertroosting in Eksodus 14:14: "Die Here sal vir julle stry, en julle moet stil wees." Wat 'n wonderlike gedagte om te weet ons hoef nie 'n groot kabaal op te skop nie, want die Skepper sê dat jy maar net stil hoef te wees en Hy sal vir jou stry.

Maar wat doen jy wanneer iemand met 'n skinderstorie by jou kom? As jy enige integriteit in jou het, sal jy so ’n persoon ondubbelsinnig laat verstaan dat jy nie in sy/haar skinderpraatjies belangstel nie. Onthou, wie ook al bý jou skinder, sal ook ván jou skinder. “Met so iemand moet julle selfs nie saam eet nie.”  (1 Kor. 5:11)

In Spreuke 11:13 lees ons: “Die wat met kwaadsprekery omgaan, maak 'n geheim openbaar, maar hy wat betroubaar is van gees, bedek 'n saak.” (Om ’n saak te bedek beteken, om ’n geheim te bewaar)

En indien ons iemand te nagekom het met ’n skinderstorie, moet ons daardie persoon in nederigheid en opregtheid om vergifnis vra. God hou ons hiervoor verantwoordelik. Maar as jy niks verkeerd gedoen het nie – nie voor God of die mense nie – het jy niks om voor verskoning te vra nie. 

As daar een was wat geweet het hoe dit voel om vals beskuldig te word, dan was dit Jesus en nog steeds kon hy, terwyl hy alreeds aan die kruis gehang het, uitroep: “Vader vergeef hulle want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie.”

Kom ons wees mense wat met 'n geheim vertrou kan word. Kom ons gebruik ons tonge om LEWE in mense se lewens te spreek. In plaas daarvan om iemand af te breek, af te kraak en negatiewe kritiek te versprei, kom ons bou eerder mekaar op. Kom ons gee erkenning aan mekaar en vertel van die ander se goeie hoedanighede eerder as om ’n ander seer te maak en te verwoes.

Die Bybel is baie duidelik, eendag sal ons die vrugte van dit wat ons gespreek het, pluk.
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Gossipers and Tell-tales

Gossipers and Tell-tales

The most despicable qualities that exist  

Stes the Necker

One of the worst things that can happen to a person is when you are slandered and you can do nothing about it. Everyone who has ever been the victim of a false accusation or malicious gossip will know just how much anguish and harm it can cause. That feeling of disappointment, resentment, bitterness and anger towards your slanderer. Especially when such gossip is not the truth; which in ninety-nine percent of the time is the case.

How do you kill the fires and defend yourself? Our first response is usually to attack the slanderer head-on and to tell him/her exactly what we think of them. That feeling of wanting to crush that person. It hurts when people tell stories about you, especially if it is untruths. It touches a person’s soul and dignity when gossipers judge you. But it is not only "other" people that gossip about you, even your own family can gossip about you. Sometimes there are even people who you do not even know or whom you've never met in your life, who talk as if they have known you personally for years!

One wonders just how much pain and sorrow gossipers have caused in other people's lives over the years, and how many people have been devastated by this.

In English "The Message" Bible, Jak.3: 16-18 says:
"Whenever you're trying to look better than others or get the better of others, things fall apart and everyone ends up at the others' throats. Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honour. "

So why do people do it? There can certainly be a whole lot of reasons, but probably jealousy is one of the biggest. Someone is jealous of someone else's success or what that person has achieved in life and then starts gossiping about that person to make him / her look bad.

Or it might be that someone feels so threatened by another's success that the gossiper will do everything to paint the other person black.

Another reason is that some people have too little to do, and now they live to gossip about others.

Another reason could be that you were not prepared to dance to someone else’s pipes, and now that person is doing everything to sour your life with half-truths and lies.

The following personal qualities usually go hand in hand with a typical gossiper:
• Trying to be better than others;
• To belittle someone by showing how great he / she (the gossiper) is;
• Not being able to work with the people around him/her.
• To be unfair and overbearing;
• Not to have mercy for others;
• Being moody and volatile;
• Having double standards.
• Being a Two Face.

In the apocryphal book, The Wisdom of Ben Sirach (chap. 28) is written: "Cursed is the gossipers and people who speak from two mouths! They destroyed many who strive for peace. People who indulge in gossip, will not find rest; they will never be calm. If a person is hit with a whip, it would leave a mark, but if someone is hit with the tongue, it cuts right to the bone.” 

Gossip and slander are sins before God and those who persist in doing it, are living in rebellion against the living God. In 1 Cor. 5:11 Paul emphasizes the need to act against those unloving and slandering:
"But now I have written unto you not to go with someone who, though he stood as a brother, is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a drunkard, or an extortioner ; with such a person you should not even sit down to eat. "

People who claim that they belong to Christ but are guilty of these acts, their evidence that they belong to Christ will immediately come under suspicion. Someone who belongs to Christ, and who lives under the authority of Christ, his/her actions will serve as evidence of Christ in his / her life.
Even the secular state recognize the act and the harm that go with false accusations and is known in law as crimen injuria. It can be described in short as criminal or malicious (emotional) assault on someone's reputation.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." (Proverbs 18:21) This is an interesting verse, and quoted so many times, but what does it really means? It simply means that with our tongues we can speak physical death to a person or a cause. And "speaking death” includes ordinary human gossip!

In the middle ages when people did not like a person, he/she was usually branded as a witch and then burned on a pyre. Today gossipers kill people's character and integrity and destroyed their lives on the pyres of their fiery tongues.

Before you slander someone or gossip about that person, just think about the damage you can do to that person. Consider first the pain you cause.

To those who have been victims of denigration or slanderous gossip, always remember God's comfort in Exodus 14:14: "The Lord will fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." What a wonderful comfort to know that we do not have to make a big issue out of this. The Creator say that you just need to be still and he will fight for you.

But what do you do when someone comes to you with a gossip story? If you have any integrity, you will let such a gossiper understand unambiguously that you are not interested in his / her story. Remember, whoever can gossip with you, can gossip about you. "With such a person you should not even eat." (1 Cor 5:11).

And if we have offended anyone through gossip, we need to ask that person forgiveness in all humility and sincerity. God holds us responsible for this. But if you did nothing wrong before God or man - you have nothing to apologize for.

If there was one who knew how it felt to be falsely accused, it was Jesus, and still he could, while he was already hanging on the cross, crying out: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. "

Let us be people who can be trusted with a secret. Let us use our tongues to speak Life in people's lives, instead of being someone who break down, and destroy other people’s lives. In stead of spreading negative criticism, let's build each other up. Let us recognize and talk about the good qualities of another person rather than to hurt and slander someone else.

The Bible is very clear, someday we will pick the fruits of whatever we have said.

Find some more interesting articles on my blog.

Monday, 25 February 2013


The truest example of Globalization
  Princess Diana's death.

Stes de Necker

An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend
 crashes in a French tunnel, riding in a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles.

Treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines. Flown back to England on a British Airplane piloted by a Greek pilot.

This article is written by a South African using American Bill Gates' technology.
You're probably reading this on your computer that uses Taiwanese chips, and a 
Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant.
Transported by Indian truck drivers, hijacked by a Zulu, unloaded by a
Muslim and transported to you by a Zimbabwean refugee.
That, my friends, is Globalisation!

Lawrence Anthony (1950 - 2012) Trusted by Elephants

The man behind the TV advert 

Stes de Necker

Lawrence Anthony, became a legend in South Africa and authored 3 books on African wildlife, including the bestseller “The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild”.

Lawrence Description: rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageous rescue of Baghdad Zoo animals during the US invasion in 2003.

Lawrence Anthony died on March 7, 2012.

Two days after his passing, the wild elephants showed up at his home led by two large matriarchs. Separate wild herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved man-friend. A total of 31 elephants had patiently walked over 12 miles to get to his South African House.

Witnessing this spectacle, humans were obviously in awe not only because of the supreme intelligence and precise timing that these elephants sensed about Lawrence 's passing, but also because of the profound memory and emotion the beloved animals evoked in such an organized way. Walking slowly  for days. Making their way in a solemn one-by-one queue from their habitat to his house.

Lawrence's wife, Francoise, was especially touched, knowing that the elephants had not been to their house prior to that day for well over 3 years! But yet they knew where they were going.

The elephants obviously wanted to pay their last respects, honoring their friend who'd saved their lives - so much respect that they stayed for 2 days 2 nights without eating anything.
Then one morning, they left, making their long journey back home. 

Dear Mrs Thompson, Teddy's Teacher

Dear Mrs. Thompson
                                                                ( Author Unknown)

                                                                                           Stes de Necker

As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth . Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same.

However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.

Mrs Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he did not play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath . In addition, Teddy could be very unpleasant.

It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then putting a big "F" at the top of his papers.

At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's past records and she put Teddy's off until last. However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise.

Teddy's first grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and has good manners... he is a joy to be around."

His second grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle."

His third grade teacher wrote, " His mother's death has been hard on him He tries to do his best, but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken."

Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and he sometimes sleeps in class."

By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddy's .

His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag.

Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing , and a bottle that was one-quarter full of perfume . But she stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist. Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom used to."

After the children left, she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she quit teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. Instead, she began to teach children.

Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class and, despite her lie that she would love all the children the same, Teddy became one of her "teacher's pets."

A year later, she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honours . He assured Mrs. Thompson that she was still the best and favourite teacher he had ever had in his whole life.

Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further . The letter explained that she was still the best and favourite teacher he ever had.
But now his name was a little longer....The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard , MD.

The story does not end there. You see, there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he had met this girl and was going to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit at the wedding in the place that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom.

Of course, Mrs. Thompson did. And guess what? She wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. Moreover, she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together.

They hugged each other, and Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson's ear, "Thank you Mrs. Thompson for believing in me. Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference."

Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back. She said, "Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference I didn't know how to teach until I met you."

Have you made a difference in someone's life today? 

Find some more interesting articles on my blog.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Vals beskuldigings.

Vals Beskuldigings

Stes de Necker

Elkeen wat al die slagoffer van ’n valse beskuldiging(s) was, sal weet hoeveel wroeging en leed dit kan veroorsaak. Daardie gevoel van teleurstelling, gekrenktheid, bitterheid en gramskap teenoor die een wat jou vals beskuldig het. Ons eerste reaksie is gewoonlik om so ’n persoon trompop te loop en presies te laat verstaan wat ons van hom/haar dink. Om so een selfs te vermorsel! Maar wat sê die Bybel?

In die Engelse “The Message” Bybel, Jak.3: 16-18, staan daar:
“Whenever you’re trying to look better than others or get the better of others, things fall apart and everyone ends up at the others’ throats. Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honour.”

Moet dus nie ’n fout maak nie; Christene kan hulle net so maklik aan hierdie sondes skuldig maak! Die volgende persoonlike eienskappe gaan gewoonlik hand aan hand met diegene wat ’n ander so maklik valslik kan beskuldig:
Ø       Om beter te probeer wees as ander;
Ø       Om iemand te verkleineer deur te wys hoe goed jy is;
Ø       Om nie met die mense om jou klaar te kom nie;
Ø       Om onredelik en baasspelerig te wees;
Ø       Nie genade vir ander mense te hê nie;
Ø       Buierig en wisselvallig te wees; en
Ø       Dubbel standaarde te hê en
Ø       ‘n Tweegesig te wees.

Hierdie dade is ‘n sonde voor God en diegene wat daarin volhard, leef in rebellie teen die lewende God. In 1 Kor. 5:11 beklemtoon Paulus die noodsaaklikheid om op te tree teen diegene wat liefdeloos en onheilig lewe:
Maar nou skryf ek aan julle om nie om te gaan met iemand wat, al staan hy as ’n broeder bekend, ’n hoereerder is of ’n gierigaard of ’n afgodedienaar of ’n kwaadspreker of ’n dronkaard of ’n rower nie; met so iemand moet julle selfs nie saam eet nie.” 

Mense wat voorgee dat hulle aan Christus behoort maar hulle aan hierdie dade skuldig maak, se getuienis dat hul aan Christus behoort kom dadelik onder verdenking aangesien iemand wat aan Christus behoort, onder die gesag van Christus staan, en sy optrede as getuienis daarvan sal dien.
Wanneer iemand jou valslik beskuldig, is daar dikwels ander dinge wat in so ‘n persoon se binneste skuil. Die Bybel sê waar jaloesie is, is allerhande gemene dade. Jaloesie in die hart gee geboorte aan liefdeloosheid. As iemand aanhoudend valse beskuldigings inbring skuil daar iets duister in sy hart. Hierdie gedrag is uiters skadelik. Selfs die sekulêre staat erken die daad en die skade wat daarmee saamgaan en word in die reg as crimen injuria beskryf. Dit kan kortom as kriminele of kwaadwillige (emosionele) aanranding van iemand se reputasie beskryf word.

As jy dus deur jou gedrag of woorde iemand valslik beskuldig het, moet jy dit met daardie persoon uitklaar en vir hom/haar in nederigheid en sagmoedigheid om verskoning vra. God hou jou hiervoor verantwoordelik. Maar as jy niks verkeerd gedoen het nie – nie voor God of die mense nie – het jy niks om voor verskoning te vra nie.

In die bergrede (Matt. 4 vanaf vers 5) lees ons:
“Geseënd is julle wanneer die mense julle ter wille van My beledig en vervolg en valslik al wat sleg is van julle sê.  Wees bly en verheug, want julle loon is groot in die hemel. Hulle het immers die profete voor julle net so vervolg.”

As daar een was wat geweet het hoe dit voel om vals beskuldig te word, dan was dit Jesus en nog steeds kon hy, terwyl hy alreeds aan die kruis gehang het, uitroep: “Vader vergeef hulle want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie.”

As ons Here Jesus Sy valse beskuldigers kon vergewe, hoeveel te meer is dit ons plig om die wat valse getuies teen ons inbring, te vergewe.

Wanneer jy valslik beskuldig word, weet eerder dat jy in goeie geselskap is. Jesus was valslik tot die dood toe, beskuldig!

Bron:  Ds. Riekert Botha, predikant van die Vredendal Baptiste Kerk, Wes-Kaap.

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Walking on water.

Walking on Water

Stes de Necker – With due recognition to my friend Spekkies

We always knew that there were only two people in history that could walk on water.
First there was Jesus Christ.
Secondly there was the apostle Peter.

But now there’s this guy … Pedro.

Geloof soos n mosterdsaadjie.


Stes de Necker

MATTEUS 17:20: “Omdat julle geloof te klein is,” sê Hy vir hulle. “Dit verseker Ek julle: As julle maar geloof het so groot soos 'n mosterdsaadjie, sal julle vir hierdie berg sê: ‘Gaan staan daar anderkant!’ en hy sal gaan. Niks sal vir julle onmoontlik wees nie.”

Daar bestaan seker nie nog ’n vers in die Bybel waaroor daar meer gepreek en geteoretiseer is as Matt. 17:20 nie. Bygesê, bestaan daar seker ook nie ’n vers wat al soveel keer verkeerd of wan geïnterpreteer is as hierdie vers nie.

Sedert die koms van Christus het daar reeds nagenoeg 12 biljoen mense op aarde geleef en ons weet dat daar nog nooit iemand was wat die vermoë gehad het om ’n berg te verskuif nie!

Sou dit dan beteken dat van al die biljoene mens wat sedert Christus se tyd op hierdie aarde geleef het, of steeds nog leef, nie een oor die geloof so groot soos ’n mosterdsaadjie beskik het nie? Wat van al die geloofs-reuse wat daar alreeds was? Wat van ’n Paulus, Petrus, Stefanus, reg deur die geskiedenis tot by Luther, Calvyn en talle ander. Beteken dit dat selfs hulle nie oor geloof so groot soos ’n mosterdsaadjie beskik het nie. Ek wil my verstout om te sê dat as enigeen van hulle oor die geloofs-vermoë beskik het om fisies ’n berg van een plek na ’n ander te kon skuif,  daar ’n paar berge sou wees wat nie meer op hulle oorspronklike plekke sou staan nie!

As gevolg van so ’n letterlik fundamentele interpretasie van Matt. 17:20, bestaan daar sekerlik ook min ander verse in die Bybel wat mense, myself ingesluit, al so laat twyfel het oor hulle geloof as juis hierdie vers.

As kind op laerskool, onthou ek nog goed hoe ’n oud onderwyseres vir ons vertel het dat ons eers oor die nodige geloof sal beskik die dag as ons vir ’n berg sal kan sê om op ’n ander plek te gaan staan. Nodeloos om te sê dat hierdie siening my vir jare daarna nog altyd aan my geloof laat twyfel het toe ek by verskeie geleenthede probeer het om dit reg te kry. Brandkop, oos van die plaas waar ek groot geword het en wat veroorsaak het dat die son eers heelwat later by ons begin skyn het, wou verdomp nooit skuif nie! Ek was naderhand oortuig dat ek nou maar eenmaal nie ’n gelowige was nie. Dit was eers baie jare later dat ek begin besef het dat ons nie Matt. 17:20 letterlik kan verstaan nie, maar eerder moet lees as ’n tipiese nuwe Testamentiese beeldspraak en hiperbool (oordrywing).

Die “mosterdsaadjie-geloof” is nie ’n kwalifikasie maatstaf waaraan die grootte van iemand se geloof gemeet kan word nie. Met ander woorde, omdat ʼn persoon ʼn berg kan versit, daarom het hy/sy die geloof soos ’n mosterdsaadjie. Ons het al so gewoond geraak aan die prestasie-gedrewe samelewing waarin ons leef, dat ons alles wil meet aan een of ander prestasie standaard.

Jy kan ’n graad kry, maar dan moet jy eers die eksamen slaag; Jy kan ’n groot salaris verdien, maar dan moet jy eers hard werk daarvoor; Jy kan ’n kampioen sportman wees, maar dan moet jy eers hard oefen daarvoor; Jy kan vir ’n berg sê gaan staan daar eenkant, maar dan moet jy tenminste eers die geloof van ’n mosterdsaad hê. As jy nie eers oor die vereisde kwalifikasie beskik nie, kan jy niks regkry nie!

Dit is nie wat Jesus vir ons in Matt. 17 sê nie. Geensins. Geloof soos ’n mosterdsaadjie is bedoel om vir ons as aansporing te dien eerder as daardie vereiste minimum kwalifikasie. Jesus sê vir jou en my: “Met slegs ’n titseltjie geloof in My, kan julle alreeds die skynbaar onmoontlike (die berg) vermag.” Wat ’n aansporing! 

Vers 20 moet verder gelees word teen die agtergrond van die res van die verhaal in Matt. 17.
Jesus en Sy dissipels het pas van die verheerliking op die berg afgekom, toe ’n man voor Jesus gekniel het en Hom gesmeek het om sy seun gesond te maak. Hy het die seun voorheen na Jesus se  dissipels gebring maar hulle kon die seun nie gesond maak nie. Nadat Jesus die seun genees het van die duiwel wat in hom was, het die dissipel Jesus gevra waarom hulle dit nie kon regkry om die duiwel te verdryf nie, waarop Jesus hulle geantwoord het: “Omdat julle geloof te klein is. Dit verseker Ek julle : As julle maar geloof het so groot soos ’n mosterdsaadjie, sal julle vir hierdie berg sê ‘Gaan staan daar anderkant!’ en hy sal gaan. Niks sal vir julle onmoontlik wees nie.”

“Die Berg” waarvan Jesus hier praat, is duidelik nie die berg waarvandaan Hy en die dissipels so pas teruggekeer het nie. Soos op soveel ander plekke in die ou en nuwe Testament, verwys die woord “berg” (beeldspraak) na ’n, oënskynlik, menslik on-oorkomentlike probleem. Met die geloof in, en met die krag van, God, kan hierdie probleem, hierdie ‘berg’, oorkom word.

Ons moet altyd onthou dat dit juis dieselfde dissipels van Jesus was wat, na die uitstorting van die Heilige Gees, “baie wonders en tekens “ gedoen het waarvan ons in Handelinge lees soos bv. die genesing van die verlamde man by die tempelpoort, die dood van Saffira, vrou van Ananias, Petrus se genesing van talle siekes en mense wat onder bose geeste gely het, Petrus se genesing van Eneas ens.

Deur hulle geloof in Jesus Christus kon hierdie kinders van God, ‘berge versit’.

Geloof in Jesus Christus gee ons toegang tot die wonderbare krag van God!