
Monday, 18 August 2014

Testimony of a Muslim who converted to the Christian Faith - Ex-Hezbollah Iranian Muslim

Testimony of a Muslim who converted
to the Christian Faith

Ex-Hezbollah Iranian Muslim  

Stes de Necker

Ex-Hezbollah Iranian Muslim Saw Jesus and Jesus told him who He was.
This is his testimony

“GOD's plan, as written in the Bible is not for humans to establish utopia on Earth. GOD's plan for us is salvation and eternal life by Faith in Christ Jesus.

GOD is bringing this Earth to an end... in His time. Once that happens, GOD establishes Heaven on Earth, lives with His Church (i.e. believers), and banishes Satan, Demons and all people who reject Him in the Lake of Burning Sulfur.

Either we die, meet GOD and receive judgement, or we live during the right time to witness His second coming.

This is what is written and promised in the Bible.

That's why I know world peace is not possible. We are in a spiral downward to destruction because humans, in general, are evil, irresponsible, greedy, and without true love.

Humans have become poor managers for GOD's Earth as we have severely overgrown our resources, water sources, and land.

Too many humans are gluttons and sexually immoral, adding to the World population problem.
 Scientists have predicted that we only have less than 100 years of resources left on Earth based on our population growth.

GOD will judge, Jew, Gentile, Muslim, or whoever, based on our hearts and by His rules.

For those who complain about GOD's rules, consider this: It's His universe so it's His House, His Rules.

Many claim that numerous paths lead to GOD. I also agree with this assumption. However, when someone truly seeks GOD, they will find GOD, which I know is Christ Jesus, for He claimed to be GOD, was crucified for it, and then rose from the dead to establish His claim.”

I encourage everyone to read this testimony with great intent and to consider the deeper meaning of this revelation.    

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