
Friday, 8 August 2014

The Exodus - A Logistical Miracle

The Exodus - a logistical miracle

                                                                                                     Stes de Necker

The exodus of the Israelite s from Egypt was probably the biggest logistical miracle in the history of mankind.

If 3 mill. people accompanied the exodus, as is widely accepted in most scientific authorities, we can determine the following by using a few simple mathematical calculations :

1. To supply 3 million people daily with drinking water (10 liters per person) would require 30 million. Liters of water per day.  

2. To transport this amount of water to the desert by train would require 492 tanker trucks. A train 4.5 kilometers long, every day.

3. Calculated at 3 quail (birds)  (200 g. / Unit.) and 3 cups of millet (.022199 kg. / Cup) per day  per person (as food to eat), would require at least 9,000,000 (1800 tons) quail, (54,000 tons for             1 month) and 200 tons of manna daily.

4. If the convoy moved 2,000 meters wide (2 km.) the total length of the convoy would be 75 km. in length.

5. Without stopping, it would take the convoy 19 hours to pass a certain point. 

6. Calculated at 360 sq. meter camping space per family, at least 21,000 hectares (210 sq. kilometers) were required to camp in a particular place. 

7. To cross the Red Sea in one night, (i.e. 12 hours), [the width of the Red Sea where the crossing according to my theory occurred, is 20 kilometers] and the convoy moving at 4 km. per hour, it means that (calculated at 10 sq. meters of space per person and an additional 300 sq. meters per family (to allow for animal wagons etc..), the width of the convoy must have been 4.5 kilometers wide. This means that the opening through the Red Sea must have been at least 4.5 kilometers wide. 

8. Only 17 days (400 hours) were spent on actually moving (marching), while the rest of the time was spent on camping. In other words, a journey that should have taken 17 days, lasted forty years.

I suppose many more similar calculations can be made, but the reality will always be the same, and that is: God has for forty years, day and night, led the exodus and miraculously provided in all the needs of the Israelite s (food, clothes, water, health, shelter, everything) 

The exodus, in itself, was already a divine miracle!

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