The Year 2012
Looking back on the year that has passed
Stes de Necker
The year 2012 is
almost at an end and what a year it was!
Ø A 17 year-old mentally challenged girl was gang raped and the video went
Ø An 8-year-old girl was raped by a 15 year-old boy and her eyes gouged out. Nobody cried out.
Ø Entire provinces were without school text books at the
start of the fourth quarter. Nobody seemed te worry.
Ø Our imminent police chief was found to be a gangster who
brought our police service to its knees.
Ø Our country had one of the highest unemployment rates
in the world.
Ø Our democracy went down the toilet.
Ø Fraud and corruption has gone out of control.
Ø Murder and robbery has increased.
Ø But our country went hysterical over a painting !!
The artist was threaten with lawsuits, protests, death by stoning and violent
The artist was threaten with lawsuits, protests, death by stoning and violent
In 2012, a South African artist called Brett Murray caused a huge stir with
his painting of South Africa ’s
president titled The Spear. The ANC worked themselves up into a total frothy
about the painting and their biggest issue with it - It’s racist!!
Disrespectful, maybe. Rude, maybe. But racist??
That little word that has become the political whip with which the ANC
work the masses up into angry mobs and riots anytime something happens that
they don’t like. And it’s becoming really really tiring.
In South Africa ,
the word racist has lost it’s original meaning and now only get’s used to
describe a white person doing something a black person doesn’t like. You never
hear it used in any other context. You can’t say to a black CEO that he is racist
because he won’t hire white people, no - he’s just making sure that only blacks
get hired because of BEE. You can’t call a university racist because they won’t
accept an application from a white student with straight A’s for 8 subjects -
instead taking on a black student who barely passed metric. Nope, they’re not
racist, they’re just correcting the wrongs of the past. But God forbid you do
hire the white person or you do admit the white student, you’ll be branded
racist by the government quicker that you can say “colour shouldn’t be the
issue here” because how dare you choose a white person over a black person in a
democratic South Africa .
Most of the time when you are a white person and you call your fellow
countrymen to be held accountable for their unacceptable words and actions such
as corruption, nepotism, fraud, theft, you’ll be branded a racist.
I swear being a white person in this country can be very bloody
exasperating at times. The ANC has brainwashed the masses with this little word
- racist - to the point that it’s actually completely lost its meaning and now
get’s used totally out of context.
The President and the ANC became a bunch of CANTS!
CAN’T let go of the past;
CAN’T stop operating from a place of revenge and hate for what’s happened
in the past;
CAN’T stop the out of control corruption that is rife throughout every
government department;
CAN’T seem to get the education right in this country;
CAN’T say goodbye of Affirmative Action and BEE which is ruining
businesses across this land.
Mr Zuma and the ANC - you need to get a different vocabulary. Instead of
shouting at someone like Brett Murray about a painting being offensive, maybe
you should be asking yourselves why he painted it in the first place. Instead
of wanting to take Zapiro to court every time he depicts the president &
his shower head in one of his cartoons, why don’t you stop to realise that
there is truth in everything he draws and that your angry responses are really
due to the fact that he keeps hitting a nerve that’s a little too close to home.
Please get over yourselves and move out the way of the remarkably
amazing black people who DO take total responsibility and who actually want
this country to work for ALL the people who live in it.
If being a racist means that most white South Africans will not stand
idly by while the few corrupt pigs in the ANC rape this country for everything
they can get with no regard for the poor and the homeless and the uneducated,
then I for one, will get “I’m a racist” tattooed on my forehead!
In June 2012 Eskom
made a public anouncement :
"Eish, we have good news and bed news... "
"Eh, the bed news is thet the sheet is going to hit the fen weeth thees powa seetuation."
"Howeva, the good news is thet the fen is not going to be wekking."
"Eish, we have good news and bed news... "
"Eh, the bed news is thet the sheet is going to hit the fen weeth thees powa seetuation."
"Howeva, the good news is thet the fen is not going to be wekking."
In July Julius Malema stated: “I want the
people of South Africa
to treat me the same way they treated Nelson Mandela.” Evita Bezuidenhout
allegedly responded :“What a great idea. Let’s start with 27 years in jail…….”
In the beginning of November Statistics SA
published its long awaited Census 2011 report.
1. The sport of choice for the urban poor
2 The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is BASKETBALL.
3 The sport of choice for front-line workers isRUGBY .
4 The sport of choice for supervisors is CRICKET.
5 The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS.
6 The sport of choice for corporate executives is GOLF.
2 The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is BASKETBALL.
3 The sport of choice for front-line workers is
4 The sport of choice for supervisors is CRICKET.
5 The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS.
6 The sport of choice for corporate executives is GOLF.
The higher you go in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become.
The higher you go in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become.
There must be stacks of people in the
Government playing marbles!
There are about 1.2 million people working for the government.
Pay each one R2 million severance pay for early retirement with the following conditions:
1) All public servants MUST retire.
1.2 million job openings - unemployment problem fixed.
2) Each one MUST buy a new car.
If I may suggest an easy quick fix solution for the problems of this country, instead
of giving billions of Rands to the government
that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following
There are about 1.2 million people working for the government.
Pay each one R2 million severance pay for early retirement with the following conditions:
1) All public servants MUST retire.
1.2 million job openings - unemployment problem fixed.
2) Each one MUST buy a new car.
1.2 million cars ordered - Car Industry
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed.
4) They MUST send their kids to school/college/university - Crime rate solved.
5) Each one MUST buy R1000 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week.....
And there's your money back in duty/tax.
It can't get any easier than that!
(If you could beleive the bullshit of the ANC Youth League, surely you can beleive me as well.)
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed.
4) They MUST send their kids to school/college/university - Crime rate solved.
5) Each one MUST buy R1000 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week.....
And there's your money back in duty/tax.
It can't get any easier than that!
(If you could beleive the bullshit of the ANC Youth League, surely you can beleive me as well.)
As die regering my sal toelaat om nog in Afrikaans ook te
skryf, dan wil ek graag hierdie verslag met 'n stukkie goeie nuus afsluit.
Navorsers het bevind dat Bloemfontein toe al die tyd n rowwer plek as
Brakpan is.
Jannie het vir hom ʼn Bloemfontein girl gekry en gaan op die eerste
date met die girl.
Later die aand kom hulle by haar woonstel en die girl
gooi haarself op die bank neer en vra:
“So Jannie, wat wil jy nou van my hê?”
Jannie: “Jou panties op jou knieë!”
Girl: “Gee my net ʼn oomblik, ek sal gou een gaan
Op ekonomiese terrein het dit ook maar broekskeur
As jy in 2011, R1000 se Nortel aandele gekoop het, sal
dit nou R49 werd wees.
As jy R1000 se aandele in Delta Lugdiens gekoop het,
sou daar nou ook net R49 oor gewees het.
Met Enron aandele sou jy R16.50 van jou R1000 oorgehad
Met World Com sou daar minder as R5 oor gewees
MAAR as jy 'n jaar gelede R1000 se wyn gekoop het, alles
opgedrink en
die bottels ingeruil het, sou jy nou R214 gehad
Dit is duidelik dat die beste belegging in Suid-Afrika
is om baie te drink en die bottels te herwin.
Genadiglik kon ek skool klaarmaak voor al hierdie nuwe
verspottigheid in ons land begin het.
het nog onderwysers en onderwyseresse van formaat gehad. Mans en vroue wat nog
geglo het in lyfstraf. Mans en vroue wat my geleer het:
1) hoe om te bid: "Jy moet bid dat daardie gekrap in jou boek uitgevee is voor môre”
2) wat "time travel" is: "Ek sal jou tot in volgende week in klap!"
3) my geleer om altyd nederig en klein te wees: "Mannetjie !!!"
4) my geleer het van fauna en flora: "Moenie vir my vertel perredrolle is vye nie!"
5) my geleer om myself te ontdek: "Hou op om jou soos 'n vark te gedra!"
6) my die wetenskap van osmose geleer het: "Nee, jykan nie nou kamer verlaat nie!”
7) my geleer het wat uithouvermoë is: "Jy sal by daardie tafel sit totdat jy die drie maal tafel ken!”
8) Hulle het ons geleer wat sintuie is: "Kinners word gesien en nie gehoor nie!"
9) Hulle het ons geleer wat humor is: "Hou aan giggel, dan gee ek jou iets om oor te huil ook!"
10) Hulle het ons logika geleer: "Want ek sê dit is so, dis hoekom!"
11) Hulle het ons geleer dat wonderwerke nogkan gebeur: "Ek sal jou klap dat jy jou
antie vir 'n eendvoël aansien as jy weer in my klas praat!”
1) hoe om te bid: "Jy moet bid dat daardie gekrap in jou boek uitgevee is voor môre”
2) wat "time travel" is: "Ek sal jou tot in volgende week in klap!"
3) my geleer om altyd nederig en klein te wees: "Mannetjie !!!"
4) my geleer het van fauna en flora: "Moenie vir my vertel perredrolle is vye nie!"
5) my geleer om myself te ontdek: "Hou op om jou soos 'n vark te gedra!"
6) my die wetenskap van osmose geleer het: "Nee, jy
7) my geleer het wat uithouvermoë is: "Jy sal by daardie tafel sit totdat jy die drie maal tafel ken!”
8) Hulle het ons geleer wat sintuie is: "Kinners word gesien en nie gehoor nie!"
9) Hulle het ons geleer wat humor is: "Hou aan giggel, dan gee ek jou iets om oor te huil ook!"
10) Hulle het ons logika geleer: "Want ek sê dit is so, dis hoekom!"
11) Hulle het ons geleer dat wonderwerke nog
Ai, ons onderwysers was darem maar slim.
Ek wens U 'n geseënde, voorspoedige en opwindende 2013 toe!
Wishing you a blessed, prosperous and exciting 2013!
Vind nog interessante artikels op
my blog.
Kliek net
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